Thursday, June 06, 2024

The Herod Directive: Zionists' new plan for defeating Hamas


The Herod Directive: Zionists' new plan for defeating Hamas

     "Finish it!" cries Nikki Halley.  But how can the Zionists possibly finish their blitzkrieg on Gaza when Hamas is currently kicking their butts -- even after Zionist and American troops just rescued four hostages (at the cost of murdering 274 shoppers at a market, BTW) and even despite all the billions that the Biden and Trump administrations have wasted on shredding thousands of Gazans into such tiny little bits that even their own mothers wouldn't recognize them?  

      So.  How do the Zionists actually plan to finally defeat Hamas?  Easy-peasy.  By activating their new Herod Directive!  All they had to do was consult their Bible.  W.W.H.D.  What would Herod do?  "But, Jane," you might say.  "You got it all wrong.  Herod's story was in the New Testament."  I'm on a roll here.  Don't get me off track.  If the Zionists can misquote the Old Testament, then of course the New Testament is fair game as well.

       But what exactly is the Herod Directive?  "Murder and slaughter every single Palestinian under the age of 80!"  But I thought Herod only murdered babies under the age of two?  "This is war.  War is not pretty!"  Yeah, and neither is genocide either.  

      Arabs are gonna be totally pissed off about this blood-thirsty new directive.  Half the known world is gonna be pissed off too.  And I also am gonna be totally pissed off!

     "But the Herod Directive is the only way we can defeat Hamas," sez Bibi's war cabinet.  All too true.  But it's also a good way to make Zionism truly hated all over the world as well.  Plus it didn't work for Herod either.  Everyone also hates Herod.

      And America is paying for all of this bloody horror!
PS:  Combined with their Hannibal Directive and their Samson Option, Zionists seem hell-bent on destroying themselves -- and they will do that too, sooner or later.  Why?  Because no human being can survive without a heart.
PPS:  To paraphrase Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi and Ali Abunimeh, "In Palestine as in Africa, Asia and the Americas, when the colonialist Mafia shows up and immediately starts slaughtering and murdering the natives, the indigenous people then try to resist, right?  And then the indigenous are immediately labeled as terrorists."
       How come these criminal, murderous and blood-thirsty colonialists are always labeled as "Pioneers" and "Settlers" and "Heroes" -- and never as "Mafia thugs".
PPPS:  I'm practically in tears.  Zionists and Americans are now using "depleted" uranium bombs on Gaza's children -- as well as dropping more bombs on them than were dropped during all of World War II.  But on the positive side, American weapons manufacturers have now scored almost as much profit in Ukra$ne and Gaza than they did during the war on Afghanistan!  Three cheers for our well-heeled butchers!  They can afford Ferraris (even if we can't).  King Herod would be very proud.

Dr. Naomi Wolf regarding the Holy Land:  "Actually if you read Genesis Exodus and Deuteronomy in Hebrew -- as I do -- you see that God did not 'give' Israel to the Jews/Israelites.  We as Jews are raised with the creed that 'God gave us the land of Israel' in Genesis -- and that ethnically 'we are the chosen people.'  But actually -- and I could not believe my eyes when I saw this, I checked my reading with major scholars and they confirmed it -- actually God's 'covenant' in Genesis, Exodus and Deuteronomy with the Jewish people is NOT ABOUT AN ETHNICITY AND NOT ABOUT A CONTRACT.  IT IS ABOUT A WAY OF BEHAVING."  [In other words, God doesn't like ugly.]
And don't forget Genocide Joe's very own Herod Directive either -- his massive push to start World War 3 in Ukra$ne: 
Holy sheep dookie!  Russians are bringing World War 3 to American shores?  Thanks, all you idiots in Washington.  "Russian Warships Steam For Caribbean As Ukraine Tensions Go Global"
More Pepe Escobar, writing about why Biden et al. are happily supporting genocide wherever possible:
Garland Nixon is always a good source of info on world events: 
Even worse, Zionists used the new American pier and aid trucks in order to slaughter even more kids in Gaza:
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