Thursday, April 25, 2024

Ukra$ne today & Vietnam in 1964: Xin loi, G.I.


Ukra$ne today & Vietnam in 1964: Xin loi, G.I.

      Ukra$ne today is just like Vietnam was back in 1964 -- with lots of American "advisors" on the ground.  We already know how that turned out. The weapons manufacturers won.  You and I didn't.   "Xin loi, G.I."   Tough shite. 

PS:  On an even more serious note, approximately 1,000 people gathered on the UC Berkeley campus today in order to protest how Zionists are gleefully committing mass genocide in Gaza right now. I was proud to be a part of this event.  

Mario Savio and all those other members of the heroic 1964 Free Speech Movement here in Berkeley would have been proud of us today. And I hope that the victims of Zionism's bloody lust for genocide will have heard our voices too as we cry out on their behalf. "We hear you, Gaza! We too want your babies' nightmares to end."

And like the boy who cried wolf too many times, for far too long, Zionists have gotten away with weaponizing anti-Semitism in order to prove that they could commit the most lurid and bloody genocide in the history of mankind in the shortest amount of time.


Lt. Col. Shaffer cites some "on the ground" facts in Ukra$ne:

Like back in the 1960s, U.C. Berkeley students protest the 2024 "wars" and genocides for corporate profit: 

Can you say "Kent State"? 

Apparently Zionists can't blow up homes, hospitals and schools in Gaza fast enough using just 500-ton aerial bombs, so now they are blowing them up by using land mines too:  

Huge amounts of excess deaths from only six kinds of cancers are being reported in Japan. Japan reports on this kind of stuff. The CDC doesn't.

Stop Wall Street, War Street, Big Pharma and Big Tech from destroying our world.  And while you're at it, please buy my books

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Tuesday, April 23, 2024

"You may choose to look the other way but...


"You may choose to look the other way but... can never say again that you didn't know."

      William Wilberforce said this back in the day regarding the slave trade, when people could see slaves being mistreated all around them -- and you can also say the same thing today as we watch on FaceBook and Instagram as women and children in Gaza being butchered right before our very eyes.  
     We watch these horrors daily on social media, as thousands of our fellow human beings are being slaughtered by Zionists, the Jeffry Dahmers of West Asia.

This article is sooo hopeful that Americans are finally waking up to the dangers of being fed constant propaganda and lies.  And yet.  We are still getting Trump and Biden shoved down our throats.  And it wasn't the lock-downs alone.  It is also inflation, the Federal Reserve's ponzi schemes, censorship and endless war on anyone who doesn't mindlessly support the military-industrial-complex superstars:  Did Lockdowns Set a Global Revolt in Motion? ⋆ Brownstone Institute

Wow. Here's an incredible (and accurate) military analysis of what really happened during the Iran missile strike.
Stop Wall Street, War Street, Big Pharma and Big Tech from destroying our world.  And while you're at it, please buy my books

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