Sunday, June 30, 2024

Milošević or Bibi: Which one went to jail for murdering Muslims?


Milošević or Bibi: Which one went to jail for murdering Muslims?

     Wikipedia tells us that, back in 1999, Slobodan Milošević, a Serbian politician, was indicted at The Hague for "Genocide; complicity in genocide; deportation; murder; persecutions on political, racial or religious grounds; inhumane acts/forcible transfer; extermination; imprisonment; and torture."  

     But wait.  There's even more.  Milošević was also charged with "Willful killing; unlawful confinement; willfully causing great suffering; unlawful deportation or transfer; extensive destruction and appropriation of property not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly; cruel treatment; plunder of public or private property; attacks on civilians; destruction or willful damage done to historic monuments and institutions dedicated to education or religion; unlawful attacks on civilian objects."

     How are all these grim charges against Milošević any different from all that horrible stuff that Bibi Netanyahu is currently doing to Palestinians right now?  The only two differences seem to be that Netanyahu has deliberately massacred far more women and children -- and he has also bought and paid for a much more powerful foreign lobby in Washington than Milošević ever dreamed of purchasing.  

      Poor Slobodan.  If only he had spread a few billion dollars around inside the Beltway, he'd be a free man right now, a hero in Congress -- and living in a condo in Miami as well.

PS:  On his latest podcast, Garland Nixon just asked a very important question about the upcoming presidential election.  "What's in it for me?"  And now I'm asking myself that same question too.  If Trump gets elected, what's in it for me?  Nothing.  If Biden get elected, what's in it for me?  Nothing.  And if Biden's next successor gets elected instead, what's in it for me?  Nothing.

     And if I go off to shop at the Berkeley Bowl and there are no longer any eggs (or chickens) for sale on the shelves, "What's in it for me?"  Nothing.  But what's in it for Big Pharma?  Billions of dollars.  If we get fooled into thinking that Bird Flu is actually a thing, then Big Pharma scores big-time.  But what's in it for me?  Nothing.

     Apparently you and I must now be required to bankroll our own lobby in Washington -- if we humble average Americans can ever even dream of getting represented in Congress and the White House.  What?  Politicians in DC actually representing us instead of foreign countries and the military-industrial complex?  "Nev-ah happen."  

     Sorry about that.


Glenn Greenwald discusses the vast importance of free speech:  Glenn Greenwald: Julian Assange, Ed Snowden, and Everything You Need to Know about Brazil

"Pandemic of the unvaccinated" -- seems funny now.  Wasn't funny back then:  Reminder: The Insidious Propaganda Campaign To Shame America Into Jabbing Up

Garland Nixon reminds us of all we have lost in the last few decades, starting with free speech:

Speaking of going to jail, Mike Pompeo belongs on death row too (as well as GWB, etc.)

Bibi only cares about flattening Gaza -- and not the hostages at all:

And will we get Michelle Obama in the White House?  It's all up to the presidential selection cartel:
Oh dear.  We gots clots to think about these days:
Just how corrupt is Putin?  Compared to Zelensky?
How many ways can zionists lie to us?  The Grayzone counts some of the ways.  [If zionists lie to us now, what about what they said regarding Iraq, Syria, Iran, Ukra$ne and 9-11?  Lies too?] 

Stop Wall Street, War Street, Big Pharma and Big Tech from destroying our world.  And while you're at it, please buy my books

Please support my channel.  I'm currently saving up to go off to some currently-out-of-favor country in West Asia.