Sunday, June 25, 2023

[Revised Edition] Wagner: Rebel force or Trojan horse?

[Revised Edition] Wagner: Rebel force or Trojan horse?

Author's note:  Every time I turn on my computer, there is yet another version of what has happened recently in Russia.  
Is Prigozhin the corrupt bad guy there?  Or is Soighu the corrupt bad guy?  Hard to keep up.  It's like watching a telenovela.  We already know (or should know) that Zelensky, Biden and Trump are corrupt bad guys -- but who the freak is the most corrupt bad guy in Russia these days?  Not a clue.

     I'm still roaming around the Czech Republic, exploring cultural opinions and eating far too much schnitzel.  Am currently in Cesky Krumlov, a sweet medieval tourist town located out in the countryside -- out near Vojna, a former Soviet prison camp for dissidents.

     Everyone I talk to here is totally celebrating Prigozhin's recent attempted coup against Putin.  But journalist Larry Johnson has a different take on Wagner's dramatic march north from Donetsk.  Perhaps it was just a very clever rouse for disguising Wagner's troop movements in a way as to not get NATO's knickers all in a twist.

      Johnson suggests the following scenario:  "The entire coup narrative was generated to allow for the movement of Russian military forces to areas north and west of Voronezh without raising the alarm among NATO planners.  Russia was moving forces to stop coup plotters as opposed to building up forces for a new axis of offense."

     Has NATO just been played? 

PS:   Boy did I get it wrong (or not).  According to The Corbett Report, Soighu is a corrupt bastard who charges Wagner troops money just to buy their own ammunition.   Prigozhin was correct to go on strike.  Russians are (almost) as corrupt as NATO but they are all in the munitions business.  This war will go on endlessly.  There is nothing the rest of us can do about it except to buy stock in weapons factories!

      A friend of mine who served in the US Army in Afghanistan said it best.  "American politicians are as corrupt as Afghan politicians.  The only difference is that American politicians, when they want to do something shady, simply change our laws to make it legal."  Apparently this is true all over the world.

PPS:  OMG, apparently I got it wrong again!  According to Scott Ritter, it is Prigozhin who is the greedy corrupt bastard who used Wagner for his own fun and profit -- and who actually is a Trojan horse for NATO et al.  My head is truly spinning.  Yours should be too.  Stay tuned.

PPS:  Back in the day, the Soviet Union harshly slammed dissidents into prison camps -- but there is no need for actual prison camps for dissidents in America today.  Dissidents in America are simply shunned, fired from their jobs, called conspiracy theorists and spat upon by the evening news.  America doesn't need no stinking internment camps like Vojna.  Once again, America has gotten McCarthyism down to a science!

      Back in 1989, over a million Czechs, a huge ratio of the entire population here, marched in angry protest against the cruel Soviet lock-down of their country.  Can you even imagine Americans marching in protest against a similar cruel lock-down in the USA?  Ha.  


Just in case you were wondering what went wrong regarding the Great Lock-Down of 2020:

Mass murder of Americans as well as Ukra$nians?  Yikes!

       Stop Wall Street, War Street, Big Pharma and Big Tech from destroying our world.  And while you're at it, please buy my books
I'm also trying to raise funds for my next research project -- in Bolivia!  Here's the link to my GiveSendGo account.  Please give even five or ten dollars?  This is important.  Don't make me beg!  Plus if you donate $50 or more, you will also get one of my books thrown in free.

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Report from Prague: Why Appeasement didn't work for the Russians either


Report from Prague: Why Appeasement didn't work for the Russians either

     "So.  What do you think about the war in Ukra$ne," I asked my cab driver here in Prague.

     "Those evil Soviet bastards!" he replied.  

     Like so many other citizens of central and eastern Europe right now, it's hard to convince him that modern Russia is nothing like the old Soviet union -- so I gave up trying and just appreciated the lovely views as we drove into town from the airport.  Prague is a beautiful city, one of the few European cities that didn't get bombed to bits during World War II.  Lovely architecture -- plus Prague practically invented beer.

        So what is modern Russia really like these days -- if it's not like the old Soviet Union?  Until recently, it was like Britain under Neville Chamberlain back in the 1930s -- appeasement all the way down.  "Appeasement?  Hell no!" you might cry.  But let me explain.

      After the fall of the Soviet Union, Russia was weak, right?  Yeltsen was in charge back then, becoming Russia's modern version Neville Chamberlain right before World War II.  He gave America everything it wanted -- and America wanted a hecka lot.  Russia became corporate America's money bin.  But then Putin came to power and Russia stopped being America's candy store.

     And so America's military-industrial complex got all totally pissed off.  "But what does this have to do with the historic architecture of Prague?" you might ask.  Answer?  History might be repeating itself here.  Appeasement.  Then war.  Then a hecka lot of bombs?

     Sorry.  I've got really bad jet lag after spending 30 hours on airplanes and in airports.  Perhaps I'm not making myself clear.

     Russia, like Chamberlain, had to stand by while American corporatists gobbled up the former Yugoslavia and then Iraq.  Why?  Because Russia wasn't strong enough to stop these terrible injustices.  Russia was too busy licking its own wounds after an American economic invasion that had hit it like Dunkirk.  "Peace in our time," declared Putin after signing the 2014 Minsk Accords.

       But Russia, to its credit, also lacked something else that America had in abundance.  "What is that?" you might ask.  The pork barrel.  America's military might was based on Congressional hand-outs and glad-handing corruption.  Take the F-35 for example.  I rest my case.  So Russia was able to slowly build up its military while America just used its military as a hand-out instead of a hand up.

     As a result, when America staged its unjust and unjustified attack on the Sudetenland, er, Syria, Russia was finally strong enough to say, "No.  Enough."  Putin had suddenly become Churchill -- not Chamberlain.  My cab driver (and also 300 million Americans) got it wrong.

     Before Churchill, er, Putin put his foot down and said, "No more NATO expansion on my doorstep," the Minsk Accords had promised to bring peace to the region.  America, Germany, NATO and Victoria Nuland had crossed their hearts (and crossed their fingers), swearing that they would not blitzkrieg Poland, er, the Donbass.  They lied.  But Russia was still acting like Chamberlain at this point. 

     "Jane, you are starting to lose me here.  Was it Yeltsen who was Chamberlain -- or was it Putin?  Or both?"  Hey, I'm practically losing it myself.  Let's review.

      American bad.  Russia good.  "What!  That's heresy!"  Pretty much.  But the true story is that Chamberlain, er, Russia needed the Minsk Accords to regroup -- while NATO, the CIA and sweet Victoria Nuland needed this breather to arm Ukra$ne to the teeth so it could...who knows?  Destroy Putin and replace him with Yeltsen's ghost?  No wonder the Russians fought back.

    So here we are now, on the verge of World War 3, and my poor cab driver is clueless that his beautiful city might soon become another Dresden all because Chamberlain, er, Russia offered American corporatists a whole wish list of appeasement -- until Putin, er, Churchill came along 
and pissed off American corporatists to the point of them actually threatening Russia with nuclear war.  And yet most Americans and Eastern Europeans here will hate me for this analogy no matter how true it is.

     But Prague's beer is really good.

PS:  Yes, I do know about Prigozhin's recent move on Moscow -- but he's gonna fall back when he runs out of hot dogs and beer.  And Zelensky is gonna run out of hot dogs and beer too and then he and Prigozhin will happily reminisce about their grand summer adventure at Camp Ukra$ne back when they were Boy Scouts.  And in the meantime, who pays for all this grand adventure?  You and me.  And boy do we pay dearly.


Things aren't totally going the the American corporatists' and Evil Globalist Bastards' way.  Alex Kraimer calls them out:  Alex Krainer on the emerging world disruption of the old world order | Vanessa Beeley on Patreon

Scott Ritter tells us why the Bradley tank is a sitting duck in Ukra$ne:

Ray McGovern reminds us once again about how truly screwed up the CIA was and still is:

"Stop them from stealing our money," sez the inestimable John Titus:

       Stop Wall Street, War Street, Big Pharma and Big Tech from destroying our world.  And while you're at it, please buy my books
I'm also trying to raise funds for my next research project -- in Bolivia!  Here's the link to my GiveSendGo account.  Please give even five or ten dollars?  This is important.  Don't make me beg!  Plus if you donate $50 or more, you will also get one of my books thrown in free.