Friday, July 19, 2024

Fighting against genocide, one meme at a time!


Fighting against genocide, one meme at a time!






PS:  Now we have finally gotten rid of Genocide Joe -- only to be replaced by his BFF, Genocide Donald.  Or Genocide Kamala.  Or even Genocide RFK Jr. in a pinch.
It's okay with America for zionists to bomb Gaza hospitals:
Taped over three years ago, this Corbett and Webb video is still amazingly spot-on:
Electronic Intifada reports on how zionists massacred Israeli children then blamed it on Hamas: 
World War 3?  It's already been declared on you and me:
"The stock market is totally disconnected with reality," sez Greg M.
"Largest study of its kind finds excess deaths during pandemic caused by public health response, not virus":
Why the Global South is so pissed off at colonialists:
Get your financial geek-nerd on with Whitney Webb: 
Stop Wall Street, War Street, Big Pharma and Big Tech from destroying our world.  And while you're at it, please buy my books

Please support my channel.  I'm currently saving up to go off to some currently-out-of-favor country in West Asia.