Tuesday, June 04, 2024

America's foolish Wile E. Coyote syndrome: How our leaders are determined to keep pushing us off cliffs


America's foolish Wile E. Coyote syndrome: How our leaders are determined to keep pushing us off cliffs

     According to ace reporter Pepe Escobar, America has painted itself into a very dangerous economic corner these days and, like some ridiculous character in a Wile E. Coyote cartoon, can only see its way out of this hazardous dilemma by jumping off yet another (economic) cliff --
such as when our propped-up stock market falls when it's no longer propped up by the Federal Reserve and the Fed's ponzi scheme finally crashes and inflation goes through the roof and...

      Just look at Biden, Trump, Graham, Halley, the Federal Reserve, Blinken, Austin, Nuland, Johnson, McConnell, whoever.  Why is it that no one in control of America can see any kind of a future that doesn't involve deliberately and methodically falling off an economic cliff -- as well as deliberately jumping off that other cliff, the one named "World War 3".  Chatting with Pepe Escobar, the geopolitical Yoda

      Hey, maybe it's just me but -- seriously?  There's no other way to save America's economy besides weapons manufacturing, murdering people both at home and abroad, printing funny-money, censoring anyone who dares to point out the obvious, sending political dinosaurs to DC and/or turning New York City into Hiroshima?  No other way?  Seriously?

      So frustrating.

      Even more than during that recent lock-down fiasco, it feels like we're living in some dystopian sci-fi James Bond movie where the fascistic Bad Guys are not only totally winning but are also being lauded and praised -- and little old me, the ultimate underdog, can do absolutely nothing to stop them except, like the Road Runner, helplessly mutter "Meep Meep Meep".

      But, according to Escobar, our current American Wile E. Coyote war-mongering Bad Guys are simply not large enough or in charge enough to take on the entire whole rest of the world and win.  Sorry about that, evil fascist Bad Guys.  Or not.  

        I myself may not be able to thwart our leaders' evil Bad Guy plans -- but BRICS can.  It's got bombs, sure, but more important, BRICS right now is like some world-stage economic version of Scrooge McDuck.  Approximately 50% of the world, for instance, has stopped using the American dollar -- while on the other hand America right now is more like Kyle from South Park, trying to pay off his huge pile of debts with a phony credit card (and also with bombs -- lots and lots of bombs). 

      All that BRICS has to do right now in order to knock America's current Wiley E. Coyote economy off a cliff is to cut off America's supply of consumer goods and then, like Cruella Deville without her fur coats, America will no longer be able to mainline its 101 Fixations with stuff.

PS:  When the inevitable economic collapse and nuclear war (due to our leaders' classic comic idiocy) arrives on America's shores, I for one don't particularly want to be here when it happens.  Anywhere else will do -- anywhere but in some NATO country, that is.  Africa, Latin America, the South Pacific?  Fine with me.  
     All I gotta do first is win the lottery and I'm out of here -- or perhaps become an honorary nephew of Scooge McDuck?  Huey, Louie, Dewey and Jane?  Works for me.  I could go live in Duckburg.  Problem solved.  Except I really actually should stay here and fight from the Bat Cave.

PPS:  But not even Scrooge McDuck can leave America without a passport, right?  Just ask journalist Scott Ritter.


Here's rational excellent assessment of America and the Zionists irrational policies in West Asia:  “Israel is becoming a burden to those who support it" w/ Mouin Rabbani

Say what?  They lied to us about Rwanda too?  https://corbettreport.substack.com/p/keith-harmon-snow-reveals-the-truth?utm_source=podcast-email&publication_id=725827&post_id=145191388&utm_campaign=email-play-on-substack&r=gmjh8&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=email

Scott Ritter was stopped at the airport on his way to Russia to film Waging Peace.  Peace is getting to be a really nasty word in DC these days:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOsW84wYdzg

Max Blumenthal's latest on the Zionists' military fiascos:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ttU4Z97uGOk
And as usual Greg Mannarino warns us about the economic cliff:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzzMT2rgvvI

Vanessa Beeley:  Zionists have just bombed Syria (again).  How many countries can they bomb at once?  The number keeps growing:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/israel-violates-105546867?utm_campaign=patron_engagement&utm_source=post_link&utm_id=19650aa5-9148-4e45-92a7-61f23f5bd39e&utm_medium=email

Our blood-thirsty leaders are bombing Ukra$ne and Rafah and threatening China and Russia.  Now they are declaring war on HAITI?  Yep.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4wfyZHkmkc
In defense of October 7 -- yes, Johnstone does actually try to defend October 7 (and does a good job of it too):  https://soundcloud.com/going_rogue/why-i-dont-condemn-hamas-for-october-7
Total shocker:  https://www.globalresearch.ca/breaking-covid-jabs-blame-increase-excess-deaths-telegraph/5859006  After 3 Years of Censorship; Mainstream Media Now Confirms that COVID Jabs May be to Blame for More than 3 Million Deaths.  “Covid Jabs May be to Blame for Increase in Excess Deaths”  If this report by The Telegraph had been published in early 2021, several million lives would have been saved. 
Stop Wall Street, War Street, Big Pharma and Big Tech from destroying our world.  And while you're at it, please buy my books https://www.amazon.com/stores/Jane-Stillwater/author/B00IW6O1RM?ref=ap_rdr&store_ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true

Please support my channel.  I'm currently saving up to go off to some unmentionable country in West Asia.  https://www.buymeacoffee.com/janestillwater