Truth & Reconciliation: Netanyahu is no Mandela
There I was, on an airplane, 35,000 feet in the sky, channel-surfing movies on Avianca while on my way to BCE -- which doesn't stand for "Before the Common Era" by the way, but is only my cheat-sheet way of remembering Bolivia, Columbia and Ecuador. Channel surfing. Found a movie wherein Morgan Freeman played Nelson Mandela. Holy sheep dookie, Mandela was a genius at bringing haters together. Just imagine what he coulda done with the Zionists and Palestinians!
Sadly, Netanyahu is no Nelson Mandela. All Bibi can do is scream, "Kill them! Kill them. Murder them all!" That's just sick. Abraham, the patriarch of Judaism, Christianity and Islam and "Mr. Justice" himself, is currently rolling over in his tomb (It's in Hebron -- go and see for yourself.) Mandela was a wise and intelligent leader. Netanyahu, however, is basically just mean-spirited and cray-cray.
So. What's my point? Go watch Invictus on Netflix? Sure. But also, just like South Africa did, Israel/Palestine needs to give Truth & Reconciliation a try. A one-state solution can actually succeed! Plus America will no longer sink deeper and deeper into our 44-trillion-dollar debt to the military-industrial complex in order to support the Zionists' evil apartheid/Bantustan project in West Asia.
Truth and Reconciliation. It's the only real solution. Mandela would be proud. Abraham would be proud too.
PS: Mandela also used sports to bring people together. Imagine if the Zionists and the Palestinians did that too. Just imagine how much money America would save if Zionists and Palestinians worked out their differences on a soccer pitch instead of America wasting billions on promoting genocide and murdering thousands of women and children in Gaza.
Here's the trailer for Invictus:
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