Friday, May 10, 2024


Tourism in Bolivia, slaughter in Gaza: "Don't talk about politics, Jane."

    Here's me, down in Bogota, Columbia, living the life.  Bolivia was wonderful.  So much to see and learn.  Explored the awesome pyramid ruins at Tiwanku, climbed to the very top of a huge mountain on the Island of the Sun in the middle of Lake Titicaca.  They never thought I would make it all the way up there -- but I did.  Over 700 stair-steps carved out of the cliffside by an ancient Inca civilization.  What ever happened to the Incas?  Don't ask.

       The one basic rule regarding chatting with American ex-pats down here is "Don't talk about politics!"  Unfortunately, however, this is an incredible head-in-the-sand approach to reality.  Remember when the Jews were massacred and we ignored it?  The Incas were massacred too.  And now it's the Palestinians' turn to be cut up into tiny pieces by Zionist and American bombs.  

       What's my point here?  That half of me wants to simply enjoy the many wonders of Bogota and LaPaz, to never have to watch the Electronic Intifada's heart-breaking images of shredded babies -- and to just simply enjoy the laid-back touristic life.

      But another part of me is also screaming inside, "Stop the slaughter in Gaza!  If Genocide Joe and Bibi the Butcher can do these monstrous deeds to defenseless women and children in the Holy Land purely as a land grab, then what's to keep them from grabbing our land and slaughtering our babies too!"  Nothing.  And if our elite leaders can be that immoral, what will happen to all the goodness and love in the hearts of us mere peons as well as we follow their lead and scream for yet even more greed, blood-lust and corruption? 

     "Power corrupts.  Absolute power corrupts absolutely."   And we Americans have blindly given our public-private partnerships absolute power over life and death in Gaza -- and also the power of life and death over our own futures back in the USA.  

      But never mind all this reality and horror.  I'm just gonna forget about all the viscous and horrific slaughter of all the many, many thousands of descendants of Jesus Christ himself now taking place in Gaza, Bethlehem and the Galilee, and just enjoy the wonders of Bolivia and Bogota.  Or not.  

PS:   It's not just the inhumane genocide in Gaza that is destroying my peace of mind when I should just be enjoying my wonderful Latin American vacation.  It's also Day 802 of Biden's disastrous proxy war on Russia as well as Day 217 of the Biden-Netanyahu slaughter of women and children in the Holy Land.  

      As Thomas Paine once said, "The world is my country, all mankind are my brethren and to do good is my religion."  Obviously he never had to deal with the likes of Bibi the Butcher and Genocide Joe.


The First Amendment actually IS important:  Ask The Judge: A Brief Lesson on Free Speech w/ Q & A

The Duran explores our dreadful Forever Wars:  Forever wars w/ Aaron Maté

How Hamas has changed our world:  How Hamas changed the world

Opposing something cruel and evil solely out of compassion. I Oppose Israel's Atrocities In Gaza Because I'm Not A Psychopath by Caitlin Johnstone

Unlike Fascbook, TikTok doesn't take censorship lying down!

1960s?  Nothing's changed.  No one in DC has any creativity:

100 airstrikes on Rafah already with more death to come (1:30): 

Stop Wall Street, War Street, Big Pharma and Big Tech from destroying our world.  And while you're at it, please buy my books

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