Monday, May 20, 2024

In colonial Colombia, Cartagena's "Iron Dome" didn't work either

In colonial Colombia, Cartagena's "Iron Dome" didn't work either

     Cartagena is like no other part of Colombia (and, yes, I finally did figure out how to spell "Colombia" right) because it is a tropical Caribbean region and also because it was settled by Spanish colonials who totally embraced the concept of owning African slaves.  Some of those slaves rebelled and moved to Palenque where they established a free state, but the rest of them stayed right here in Cartagena because the punishment for running away was to get one's head cut off.

     But what really makes Cartagena special for me is that I'm experiencing a very painful tooth ache here.  "How much would a root canal cost?"  I asked.  About $200.  But it's an abscessed tooth.  Let's try antibiotics first.

      Cartagena is also known for its ancient colonial fort.  That thing is massive!  It's an engineering miracle as impressive as the pyramids in Egypt.  "Did the colonial Spanish soldiers build it?"  Nah, it was built by African slaves. 

     The fort was spozed to be invincible, built to keep out pirates, privateers, buccaneers freebooters -- and the French.  It was the seventeen-century Spanish colonialists' equivalent of the Zionists' modern-day Iron Dome!  But did it work?  Nope.

     In 1697, the French snuck up on the fort from the backside and conquered the whole city (but to no avail when cholera then turned around and conquered the French) -- just like Iran had recently proved that the Zionist's "invincible" Iron Dome was also a piece of crap.  

       And did you know that Sir Francis Drake, Queen Elizabeth's boy toy, also infiltrated Cartagena and blew up its cathedral back in 1586 -- just like Hamas is blowing up all those Zionist tanks in Gaza City, Khan Younis, Rafah and Jabalia to the point that Zionists have had to retreat almost all of their ground troops from Gaza.  History repeats itself.

      However, the main part of history that I'm definitely hoping will not repeat itself is the Spanish colonialists' method of dentistry.  I sincerely do not want no barber with pliers yanking out my sore tooth! 

PS:  I just got kicked off of FascBook (again) for daring to use the word "assassination" in the same sentence regarding the recent mysterious death of the President of Iran.  Sigh.

PPS:  Ever heard of La Boquilla, a sweet little beach town near Cartagena where ex-slaves were given free land back in 1811?  But then developers suddenly realized that the beach-front property there was valuable, and they started a propaganda campaign that said La Boquilla was dangerous and dirty -- so that they could buy up that beach property cheaply.  Jared Kushner, eat your heart out!

      The same thing is happening in my sweet home town, Berkeley, CA, as well.  We now have over 80 new high-rises where the original inhabitants (me!) can never afford to live.  Of course I bought the La Boquilla T-shirt.


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