Thursday, May 16, 2024

Coffee, drug lords & settler colonialists: My adventures into the history of Colombia

      Here's me, down in Colombia, learning more than I ever wanted to know about coffee, Pablo Escobar and microbiomes.  Did you know that it is always a good idea to introduce new types of bacteria to your intestinal microbiome in order to keep it healthy?  Fact.  And to think that at one point in time we used to foolishly belittle and dismiss this new scientific discovery simply by calling it "Moctezuma's Revenge".

      But even though Moctezuma wasn't from Colombia, he still had a lot in common with Simon Bolivar, Colombia's heroic founding father.  They both tried to fight off those brutal Spanish settler-colonialists who slaughtered them wholesale and ran rough-shod over their lands.

      In Bogota, I actually saw the house where Bolivar used to live.  And, like Betsy Ross (or was it Barbara Frietchie), Bolivar's brave mistress stood off an entire Spanish battalion by waving her sword and and proclaiming, "To get to Simon, you will have to go through me!"

      Both the British colonialists in North America and the Spanish colonialists in South America were equally brutal to the locals.  However, I do gotta admit that it was the Spaniards, not Juan Valdez, who brought coffee to Colombia.  I just spent a whole day on a coffee plantation, learning how to grow coffee, how to process coffee and how to drink coffee.  Starbucks, eat your heart out.  You are not even in the same league.  Sooo freaking good -- and I don't even usually drink the stuff.  Hard to turn it down when it comes right from the source.

      In Medellin (pronounced Meta-Jean, by the way) I also learned about Pablo Escobar, the penultimate drug lord.  I even bought a T-shirt with his mug shot and favorite slogan on it.  "Silver or lead -- you choose."  You either took his bribe money or you got shot.  But, actually, his specialty was the fine art of car-bomb assassination.  

     Pablo Escobar was a truly bad guy, and he died like a dog while attempting a roof-top escape.  20,000 people came to Escobar's funeral.  Why?  Because he was some sort of Robin Hood?  My own personal theory is that they came to make sure he was not merely dead but sincerely dead.

      Sooner or later, bad guys always finish last.

      And speaking of bad guys, that reminds me of Bibi the Butcher and our very own Genocide Joe.  Both of them are Zionists and wannabe settler-colonialists like the Spanish and the Brits.  However, I seriously gotta pity the poor Zionists.  All they ever really wanted to do was to be some serious bad-ass settler-colonialists too -- like Britain and Spain.  But by the time the Balfour Declaration was signed, all the world's truly hot colonial properties had already been taken -- and so they got stuck with the dregs.  No Inca gold for them.  Not Star of India.  No diamond-studded apartheid South Africa.  Not even America's favorite Manifest Destiny slaughter in the wild wild west.  


     Those poor unfortunate Zionists, last ones to the bloody colonialist ball, had to settle with being wallflowers -- stuck with the Palestinians, who, like Montezuma and Bolivar, had the extreme nerve to try to fight back.  

        Not only that, but according to Max Blumenthal, despite their pretentious goal of making Jews safe, Zionists' murderous actions (such as cutting deals with Hitler, creating Hamas and gleefully committing genocide) have made Jews more unsafe than almost any time in history -- and also have caused Jews to start fighting among themselves.  

PS:  Don't get me wrong.  I'm truly loving it here in Colombia.  You would love it too.  Give up on Starbucks and get your arse down here now!

PPS:  It's criminal to murder someone with a gun or a knife face-to-face -- but when Zionists murder thousands of children from the air without even seeing their victims' faces?  That's just cowardice.   Remember what Kissinger did to Cambodia?  Remember the murder of 10,000 Christians at prayer on a Sunday morning in Nagasaki?  Same thing.  Cowardice.


"Israel has always been a murderous nation":

As always Max Blumenthal nails it:

Even more interesting diseases are popping up from The Shot:

The U.S. seems to really like creating chaos: 


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