Picket the UN. Get them to do their freaking job!
I wish that I lived in New York City. If I did, I would be over at UN Plaza daily, picketing those filthy hypocrites on the Security Council with a sign that read "DO YOUR FREAKING JOB! STOP THE GENOCIDE HOLOCAUST IN GAZA!"
Stop Wall Street, War Street, Big Pharma and Big Tech from destroying our world. And while you're at it, please buy my books: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Jane-Stillwater/author/B00IW6O1RM?ref=ap_rdr&store_ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true
And here's my latest book too -- A Tale of 22 Cities: Traveling Across America During the Great Lock-Down: https://www.amazon.com/Tale-22-Cities-Traveling-Lock-Down/dp/B0C1J1MV8K