Thursday, May 04, 2023

Politics are like football: You can't only play defense & still expect to win


Politics are like football: You can't only play defense & still expect to win

      To quote two-time Heisman trophy winner Archie Griffin, “It’s not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog.”  

      America has only been playing away-games since World War II -- soft schedule games played against bush-league teams like Vietnam, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Haiti and Iraq.  But now America's first-string elite global Super Bowl team is forcing you and me to play in their deadly homecoming game as well -- and are using every offensive trick in their playbook against Team Average Joe.  And it looks like we are gonna lose this game big-time.  
     But even though our home team looks weak and ineffective when compared to seasons past, we still gotta keep scrimmaging our hearts out.  There's just too freaking much at stake here.  We're playing against some of the most offensive teams of all time -- and yet somehow we still gotta win.  And you just don't win games by only playing defense.  

     Here's a short line-up of the power-house offensive teams that we, just average American working stiffs, are scheduled to play against right now:  The Federal Re$erve.  Our elected off$cials.  Our publ$c health agencies.  The Evil Global$st Bastards. 

     These are the teams to beat.

     The Federal Re$erve's coaches keep telling us, "We are here to help you.  We are here to stop inflation."  No, they are not.  They are here to drown us in debt and seize total control of what few assets we have left.  Score for their side!

     Our elected off$cials keep telling us, "We are here to save Ukra$ne."  No, they are not.  They are here to murder Ukrainians for fun and profit, snap up that $100,000,000,000 ball and leave our hometown gridiron defenseless.  Touchdown for them.

     Those huge international corporations keep telling us, "Our public-private partnerships are geared to make America stronger."  No -- and Hell no.  They are here to steal everything in America that's not tied down.  "Six points!" for their side.  Zero points for us.

    Our public health departments are playing an offensive game too.  "We want to save your lives!" they tell us.  No they don't.  They just want to make us sicker because Big Pharma only makes big bucks when we are too sick to defend our goal line.  "Two-point conversion" for them.  Fumble for us.

     The Evil Globalist Bastards say, "We want to stop climate change!"  No, they don't.  They just want to tackle you and me in an illegal off-side play.  If the Bastards really wanted to stop climate change, they would stop all their offensive "wars".

     In this particular football analogy, there are two teams playing in the Superbowl of life right now -- and we are clearly on the losing side.  And voting for the Trump-Biden offense isn't even going to get us to halftime. 

      Bombing the freak out of Ukrainians, Russians and even the Chinese isn't gonna get us a first-and-ten either.  Conventional wars?  Nuclear holocausts?  They're only going to make the opposing team stronger.  And allowing the Federal Re$erve to constantly fleece us also won't score any field goals for our side.

     In politics, as in football, our team has got to start playing offense.  And we gotta start playing it now -- or else we're really gonna get slaughtered.  Literally.

PS:  Sorry, guys, but "going on the offense" doesn't exactly translate into "Let's hit the black market for AK-47s and bazookas!"  If we did that, the Evil Globalist Bastards' linebackers, tackles and cornerbacks would immediately take us out.  They've been training for this action for at least 20 seasons during away-games in places like Vietnam, Libya, Syria, Iraq, Guatemala, Yemen, Palestine, Angola and Afghanistan. 

      And don't even think that elections will get us to the goal line either.  The Bastards' famous choreographed cheerleaders,Trump and Biden, will work together to rile the fans up -- while our own pigskin is far, far away from the Bastards' end zone.  They've successfully run that play before.  End of game.

     However, we still have judicial systems playing for our team.  All we need is to get some lawyers to suit up -- like with those class action lawsuits in Australia.  Like the ICAN lawsuits and the Free Now Foundation lawsuits here at home.  Screw idle locker-room talk.  Let's get in the game!

     "But how can we get attorneys on our side?" you might ask.  If ten million of us each gave one dollar to the best attorneys in the league, that might put a penalty on the Bastards that could block them from making first and ten (at our expense). 

PPS:  It's also time to stop being a Monday-morning quarterback, get out there and support our tight ends.  Gay people?  Trans people?  Three cheers for them -- unless they too are getting tackled and blocked by the Bastards.

     The Bastards are making a Big Play for our kids right now -- for two reasons.  First, they want to win big for Big Pharma.  Rah!  Rah!  Rah!  For every kid who gets that Hail Mary surgery done, Big Pharma gets a guaranteed customer, er, take-down for the rest of that kid's life.  That's an easy one-point-five-million-dollars per kid touchdown for them.  Not for us.

     Second?  Because every transgendered kid can no longer reproduce, that's another big win for the Bastards.  Taking out the opposition.  More population reduction!  Go, Bastards!  First they tackled our kids with COV$D and Jabs.  Now they've sidelined our kids with a crimson propaganda tide to get snipped.


500 pissed off Australians have expressed their displeasure via the court system:

Dr. Bhakti says it's time to stand up to Big Pharma and here's why:

The Free Now Foundation has a lot of lawsuits going on involving suing local governments for not serving the needs of its citizens:

Jimmy Dore?  Hilarious!  He shows Biden running for re-election on a platform of FREEDOM on one hand while tightening our censorship gags with the other.  But then that's politics for ya -- playing the game:

Scott Ritter explains to us play-by-play why America is losing the "World Series" as well:
Russia, China, Europe, America?  All these heavy-hitting teams' real goal is to eliminate the world's middle class:

       Stop Wall Street, War Street, Big Pharma and Big Tech from destroying our world.  And while you're at it, please buy my books
I'm also trying to raise funds for my next research project -- in Bolivia!  Here's the link to my GiveSendGo account.  Please give even five or ten dollars?  This is important.  Don't make me beg!  Plus if you donate $50 or more, you will also get one of my books thrown in free.