Saturday, May 20, 2023

110 years of blowing stuff up: WAR is the real cause of climate disaster


110 years of blowing stuff up: WAR is the real cause of climate disaster

       What is the number-one cause of our current climate-change crisis?  Too many Chevrolets, Toyotas and farting cows?  Sorry, but no.  So where did all this gross atmospheric pollution actually come from?  To paraphrase Edwin Starr and Jackie Chan, "WAR.  What is it good for?  Screwing up our climate!"   

      Forget all that crap we see on TV -- sincere newscasters constantly reminding us that smog-producing cars and gas-powered kitchen appliances are the main cause of climate change.  Instead, let's take a closer look at the actual for-real cause of climate catastrophe:  War.

      Of course the air got a little bit dirty after the Industrial Revolution hit stride.  Coal fields.  Factory chimneys.  Child labor.  The White Man's Burden.  Could have been the beginning of the end for climate crisis -- but was it?  In most places, people back then could still see a million stars in the night sky.

     So.  When did things really start to deteriorate climate-wise?  The Great War.  World War I.  All those munitions.  1,500,000,000 billion explosive devices were fired off during that useless and bloody confrontation.  According to Google, "An estimated one ton of explosives was fired for every square meter of territory on the Western front."  Good grief. 

      Then along came World War II.  3,400,000 tons of bombs were dropped on Germany alone.  Atmospheric pollution on a grand scale?  "Nah, it's just war."  During World War II, climate catastrophe continued to spew out all across our whole planet. 

     The Koren war?  "A total of 635,000 tons of bombs, including 32,557 tons of napalm, were dropped on Korea between 1951 and 1953."

     Vietnam?  It became the "most bombed place on earth" -- at that point in time.  Twice the number of bombs were dropped there by the US Air Force than were dropped during all of World War II.

      But, wait.  We're not done yet.  There's Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Palestine, Panama, Grenada, Somalia, Ethiopia, Angola, Puerto Rico, El Salvador, Eritrea, Honduras, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Cuba and I forget where all else.  That's lots and lots and lots of tons of munitions dropped by America -- in its endless wars and proxy wars on countries too small to effectively fight back.

     And now there's Ukra$ne.  More munitions have been used in Ukra$ne by NATO than all the munitions used during World War II -- and then a lot more.  So far.  We American taxpayers have already spent over $130,000,000,000 on trying to blow up Ukraine.  That's $123,400,000,000 more than our federal government spent on infrastructure here at home during 2022.

     But don't even get me started on the prospects of what World War 3 can do to affect climate change.

     And yet that handful of jet-plane-owning Evil Globalist Bastards who now run our world are getting their knickers all in a twist just because you and I are driving a few cars, drinking some milk and using a few gas stoves?  Seriously?

PS:  They don't call it the fog of war for nothing.

PPS:  And then there's all that Planned Obsolescence that occurs when all those tanks and F-16s and Patriots get blown up.  It's not just the military's discharges and emissions that hurt.  The military is also our biggest consumer -- and our biggest manufacturer too.  Not to mention all that jet fuel for all those above-mentioned F-16s.

     But how come tanks and humvees don't also have to be battery-powered or at least be hybrid -- like our cars are forced to be.  Tanks and humvees get the worst gas mileage in the world guys.  Duh.  And all that "depleted" uranium that has turned Kosovo and Iraq into disaster zones for life?  Now it's going to make Ukraine's wonderful farmland unusable too.  Oh well.


WAR, by Edwin Starr:

We are being lied to big-time about the "war" on Ukra$ne:

Post-war Ukra$ne is gonna be awesome -- for the Evil Globalist Bastards, sure, but not for the few Ukrainians that might be left:

If you ignore all that Trump cheer-leading from Don Jr, this is a very good analysis of America's egregious military shortcomings:

And then there's always The Gray Zone Live to neatly tie all this corruption together for us:

       Stop Wall Street, War Street, Big Pharma and Big Tech from destroying our world.  And while you're at it, please buy my books
I'm also trying to raise funds for my next research project -- in Bolivia!  Here's the link to my GiveSendGo account.  Please give even five or ten dollars?  This is important.  Don't make me beg!  Plus if you donate $50 or more, you will also get one of my books thrown in free.