Netanyahu's Revenge: 11,000 Palestinian hostages
I am currently in Israel (aka the Project formerly known as Palestine) and must have picked up a stomach bug while floating in the Dead Sea. You've heard of Montezuma's Revenge? Well, my stomach bug is like that -- except this time it is Netanyahu having his revenge on me because I dared to call him Bibi the Butcher. My bad.
Yesterday I toured the Dome of the Rock, Al Aqsa mosque, the Wailing Wall and the Church of the Holy Sepulture. Here's me, right in the very heart of three powerful religions, feeling spiritual as hell and searching for the perfect Holy Land T-shirt. Definitely the highlight of my poor humble life.
Then I went off to tour Bethlehem too. Wow!
But there is also a down-side to all this holiness and kumbaya. Since arriving here in the Project formerly known as Palestine, I've seen hundreds of young soldiers wandering around while armed to the teeth. At check-points. On street corners. In archeological digs, museums, Palestinian villages. On beaches. In cities. Out in the middle of nowhere. That's no way to live.
From what I've witnessed, there is a great contradiction here in Israel/Palestine. Part of this land is all charming and holy -- and the rest of it is like some terrible home invasion gone wrong when the Bad Guys arrived armed to the teeth, the homeowners fought back with sticks and stones and now it's just one gigantic nightmare. Who would ever want to live like that? Not me.
The settler-colonialists walk around with M-16s strapped to their backs. They seize Palestinian lands in every illegal way that they can. "This land is my land!" No it's not. Netanyahu's ultimate dream (besides giving me stomach flu) is to eliminate every single Palestinian from this land. That would be seven million people potentially caught up in the world's worst Holocaust. And we thought that the slaughter in Gaza was bad.
What I truly don't understand about the settler-colonialists here is how they can possibly manage to actually pull off their ultimate river-to-the-sea land-grab end game. From the Euphrates to the Nile. That kind of stuff. How can they even afford it? "We won't pay for it. The Americans will." You got that right.
Of course Americans are now paying billions and billions of dollars for The Project's weaponry, things that go boom in the night. That's a given. But how can the Zionists even dream of keeping all this "let's conquer the galaxy" video-game mindset going when they just don't have boots on the ground to back it all up?
Currently, Zionist soldiers are dying in Gaza, Syria, Lebanon and Lord knows where else -- which leads me to wonder how they are still going to have enough soldiers left to man all these local check-points, constantly harass Palestinians who only just want to stay alive and also run all those torture camps for over 11,000 Palestinian hostages?
It simply can't be done. Just ask Voldemort Zelensky.
But the food here is delicious, I gotta admit. Hummus, olives, lamb shawarma, halvah, dates, baklava! "You should be living on chicken soup and Sprite," advised my doctor. Where's the fun in that.
PS: I can see the lure of living here for the colonialists. I really can. And religion has nothing to do with it. Settler colonialists from America get subsidized housing, free water and electricity, free healthcare and all that other stuff that Americans can only dream about (and pay for Israelis to have) but there is also a beauty angle involved here.
To use an analogy from the glory days of American film (sorry to hear that Tinsel Town is on fire, BTW), the standard of beauty in America was Marilyn Monroe and James Dean, right? Well, here in the Project formerly known as Palestine, the standard of beauty is more like Barbra Streisand and Paul Newman. Takes a lot of the pressure off, right?
PPS: A local Israeli here just set me straight. "Don't worry about our military manpower, Jane. We hire mercenaries -- and we pay them $4,000 a month." Holy shite! Sign me up!
PPPS: I also talked with a Palestinian about the status of all the Palestinian hostages being held here in the Holy Land. 11,000 of them are currently in jail at last count. "Can you estimate how many indigenous Palestinians have been arrested, detained and/or imprisoned here by The Project?" I asked him.
"I would estimate that 85% of all Palestinian men living here today have spent time in Zionist jails."
Danny Haiphong is always informative:
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