E-mails from Palestine: "Are you okay, Jane?" NO, I am NOT okay
Actually, it really is perfectly safe here -- but only for us tourists.
I have safely gone to visit the actual spot where Jesus Christ was born, knowing for certain that nothing bad would happen to me there -- physically. I have also walked the Via Dolorosa, touched an actual rock inside the Dome of the Rock, visited al Aqsa Mosque and even floated in the Dead Sea. This has all been perfectly safe -- for my body. However. This visit to historic, holy Palestine has definitely not been safe for me in another way. It has broken my heart and shredded my soul.
I talked with a young Palestinian woman in Ramallah who was tortured in a Zionist prison for eight months. Her only crime? Screaming at a Zionist soldier who had just murdered her cousin in cold blood. No impunity. No accountability. Pulled the trigger just because he could.
I met a young man in Hebron who also had that thousand-mile stare that you get after leaving a Zionist prison. IDF soldiers broke his legs and put cigarettes out on his arms -- for no other reason than because he was young, male and Palestinian in a land seized by Zionist racists who strongly believe in Jim Crow. Emmett Till came to mind.
I talked with an old man who remembered Jaffa oranges, shipped all across the world for children to find in their stockings on Christmas morning. And now there are only 4,000 Palestinians left in Jaffa. Now Zionists call this city Tel Aviv -- but what do the Zionists themselves call what is left of Jaffa? "The Ghetto."
I talked with families in Hebron who were forced to put steel plates over their windows at night so that fat bored middle-aged American settler-colonialist poachers with M-16 rifles won't shoot their children as they sleep.
I talked with a Palestinian journalist who fears for her life -- simply for reporting the truth about the brutal Zionist regime that Palestinians suffer under daily. Hundreds of Palestinian journalists have already been targeted by death squads simply for wearing their blue Kevlar vests with "PRESS" emblazoned on the back. Shirenn Abu Akleh and Refaat Alareer, for example. They were deliberately murdered. "If I must die, you must live to tell my story...." So much for free press.
I talked with Palestinian farmers whose land had been stolen and whose olive groves have been destroyed. I talked with Palestinian shepherds who have had their sheep confiscated. I talked with Palestinians whose whole towns had been razed to the ground by Caterpillar bulldozers, bought and paid for by the USA.
I talked with mothers whose sons were in jail -- or dead. I took endless notes. I recorded 40 pages of stories of Palestinian suffering over the past 100 years, all of it caused by greedy Zionist monsters with no moral compass.
"Are you okay, Jane?" No, I'm not okay. How can I possibly be okay knowing that my own country, America, is paying for all this misery and bloodshed -- and just in Palestine proper.
I can't even imagine how much my heart would have been broken if I had been allowed into Gaza -- or even into Los Angeles.
If Bibi the Butcher's mouth is moving, he's lying: https://chrishedges.substack.com/p/the-ceasefire-charade
Friends of Wadi Fukin help Palestinian farmers protect their land from dangerous settlers: https://www.friendsofwadifoquin.com/
Sabeel is a Palestinian Christian organization who tries (and succeeds) to protect Palestinians in a Christ-like manner: https://sabeel.org/
The writings of Refaat Alareer are available in a book now: If I Must Die by Refaat Alareer
Want some juicy conspiracy theories about the L.A. fires? Here they are. For instance, Gov. Newsom actually said with his mouth that he can build back better here "after the fires that WE started." And I'll never think about electric cars, smart meters, cell towers or anything else with lithium batteries ever again: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/ep-758-w-deborah-tavares-fires-and-weaponization--63709872
The Electronic Intifada discusses deal possibilities:
Krainer and Wilkerson: America is solely responsible for the genocides in Palestine (and in Ukra$ne too). Not a war, it's a slaughter. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5om65Go7yk
The Electronic Intifada is hopeful about the ceasefire: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pb4Lr097sxU
Stop Wall Street, War Street, Big Pharma and Big Tech from destroying our world. And while you're at it, please buy my books: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Jane-Stillwater/author/B00IW6O1RM?ref=ap_rdr&store_ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true
Please support my channel and "Buy Me a Coffee". I'm currently saving up to go off to some currently-out-of-favor country in West Asia. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/janestillwater