What happens when Gen Lock-Down discovers it's been lied to?
PS: In order avoid
making this into a political issue, I probably shouldn't mention that
members of America's Gen Lock-Down are going to have a really hard time recovering
from all its stupidly-imposed government mandates -- but not even close
to the hard times that Gen Lock-Down in Gaza is going to have while trying to recover
from all of Netanyahu's stupidly-imposed government mandates in Gaza.
Thank goodness for Dr. Phil: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/dr-phil-shocks-view-hosts-slamming-impact-covid-lockdowns-children
And then there's the touchy subject of excess deaths among our kids: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/03/02/health-secretary-release-data-covid-vaccine-excess-deaths/
And what is the crazy philosophy behind Netanyahu's "deranged messianic" complex? https://informationclearinghouse.blog/2024/03/05/redemption-through-genocide/14/
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