Monday, March 18, 2024

"Never Forget": Remembering the Muslim Holocaust...


"Never Forget": Remembering the Muslim Holocaust...

       Of course we all vividly remember the brutal and tragic massacre of Jews by Hitler's fascists during World War II.  How could we not.  Anne Frank, Schindler's List, Auschwitz, The Zookeeper's Wife, Paul Newman and Sal Mineo in Exodus, holocaust museums in every major city in America and all those many PBS specials.  Over four million Jews were designated as Holocaust survivors and 250,000 of them still receive reparation payments from Germany today.

      But how many of us remember the Muslim Holocaust?  Hardly anyone.

     Take the Iran-Iraq war for instance.  Back in 1980, American neo-cons talked Saddam Hussein, their very close ally, into attacking Iran.  "We got your back, buddy," said Rumsfeld and Cheney (much in the same way that Nuland and Biden told Zelensky that America had his back).  Approximately 500,000 Muslims were killed during that conflict -- sponsored by the good old U.S.A.

     Lebanon?  How many Muslims died trying to save Lebanon from five different attempts by Zionists to take over their neighbor to the north.  A bunch of Muslims died in the 1978 attempt -- no idea how many.  Approximately 24,198 died in the 1982 attempt, including Ariel Sharon's bloody massacre of women and children at Sabra and Shatila.  In 1996, one hundred Lebanese died when Zionists shelled a UN compound in Lebanon.  In 2006, over 1,000 Lebanese died in that 34-day war with the Zionists.  In 2015, Zionists once again attacked Lebanon.   I have no idea how many were killed then -- and neither does Google.

      And I can't even imagine how many Palestinian Muslims have been murdered by Zionists between the 1930s and today.  Thousands were murdered in 1947-48 alone.  Let's just say 100,000 Palestinian Muslims have died between then and last October and leave it at that.  "Er, no, Jane.  You are forgetting all those horrendous lawn-mowings in Gaza that went on for years -- death from the skies rained down on helpless Muslims who had no defenses.  Almost 100,000 more were murdered."  Okay.  Add that to the list.  Let's move on.

     Yemen, another Muslim country.  The UN estimated that, by 2022, over 227,000 Yemenis were killed by Saudis using American weapons.  Since 2023, American drones have murdered over 1,000 more Yemeni Muslims.  Yikes!

     Syria?  That particular slaughter all started with the Six-Day War back in 1967, when Zionists began a "pre-emptive" attack on Syria and Egypt, including ground offensives on the Sinai Peninsula, the Golan Heights, the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.  Another 20,000 Muslims died during those six bloody days.  American weapons were involved -- as usual.  However, I doubt that the 34 American sailors aboard the USS Liberty (who were also massacred in cold blood by Zionists during these six days) were Muslims.

      And in 2011, another war on Syria was started during the Arab Spring.  Outside snipers took out 70 Syrians at a CIA-backed protest and then blamed the massacre on President Assad -- the same playbook that Nuland used in Ukraine in 2014.  The result of America's proxy war on Syria?  By 2021, approximately 307,000 Syrian civilians had been murdered and approximately 133,500 Syrian soldiers died defending their country against America's proxies, Saudi Arabia and ISIS.  However, not all of the Syrian dead were Muslims.  Many were Christians.  Estimates now run as high as 613,407 dead so far -- and, yes, the Zionists are still bombing Damascus.

    And let's not forget when Dubya, Cheney and Rumsfeld let 9-11 happen.  Oh goodie!  Now we gots an even a bigger excuse to slaughter Muslims.  "Bring it on!"

     Oops, I forgot to mention the first American war on Iraq, back in 1991.  The Gulf War?  Incubator babies?  After America gave Saddam the green light to take back its oil, stolen by Kuwait?  Set up!  22,000 Iraqi solders died.  But that's not all.  Remember Madeline Albright bragging about how many Iraqi children died as a result of her sanctions on food?  For every 1,000 children born, 40 died before reaching age five.  That's a hecka lot of dead (Muslim) children.

     But wait.  It gets worse!  After the New York Times and Dubya lied to us about Iraq's involvement in 9-11 and Saddam's non-existent WMDs, some sources estimate that 365,190 Iraqi civilians then died on Bush's watch -- but I've heard that it was closer to a million Iraqis, most of them Muslims.  As an embedded reporter in Iraq, however, I only watched a few of them die.

     And the Muslim Holocaust marches on.

     Libya is next.  No, wait, it's Afghanistan's turn!  20 more years of slaughtering uppity Muslims!  After Charlie Wilson's War had already turned Kabul into rubble and gave rise to the mujahedin, the Taliban and al Qaeda, America started bombing Afghans all over again in 2001.  500,000 Afghan civilians died in 1979, thanks to Charlie Wilson.  70,000 more Afghan civilians died between 2001 and 2021, thanks to GWB, Obama, Trump and Biden.  Who the freak knows how many Afghan soldiers died.  Ask the Pentagon.

     Now we get to Libya.  Italians of course murdered 83,000 Libyans back in World War II, but does that really count?  Nothing to see here.  Let's move on.  

     In 2011, Libya became Hilary Clinton's very own pet project.  No-fly zones.  Over 9,700 air strikes by NATO.  Shooting fish in a barrel.  Qaddafi was also gutted like a fish.  His big crime?  Not bowing and scraping enough (and also being a devout Muslim).  We know for a fact that 25,000 Libyans died in 2011.  But when you count up the sad and unnecessary deaths of all those Libyan boat people trying to escape plus the ten-year bloodbath in Libya that resulted from Ms. Clinton's Big Idea, that number too begins to look fishy.
      Then is the slaughter of all those Muslims in India, starting with the bloody horrors of Partition back in 1947, with approximately 100,000 Muslims losing their lives.  And the murder of Muslims still continues to this day.  To quote The Guardian, "[A recent mass shooting of Muslims] is simply a gruesome expression of a new reality in a country where hatred against Muslims is the easy route to win elections and gain popularity and acceptability."

     And I forgot to mention all the American Muslims who were lynched right after 9-11 -- just for being Muslims.

PS:  I'm not even going to count the vast number of Muslims who died during the medieval Crusades, on Lawrence of Arabia's watch, when Germany, Britain and America took turns invading the Middle East or the ballet between Rommel the Desert Fox and "Blood and Guts" Patton. 
      And let's not even mention Algeria, Frantz Fanon's Wretched of the Earth and the French Foreign Legion.  A million Algerians were murdered by the French in France's original conquest back in the 19th century -- but  in 1954, FLN guerillas finally fought back.  Holy shite.  This must be a typo!  Google sez that 1,500,000 Algerian Muslims died in France's wretched war on them.  Risky business.
PPS:  Violent death isn't the only thing on offer to Muslims.  There's also a whole bunch of sick, uncivilized and inhumane torture going on, happily conducted at places like Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo, Bagram and various CIA black sites in Poland, Romania, Lithuania and Kosovo.  Zionists, however, tend to be the most excellent torturers.  
     According to one Near East Cultural and Education Foundation report, "Other than the usual prolonged beatings, people, including children, could be smeared with vomit or urine, be confined in a 'coffin', be suspended by the wrists; be denied food and water or access to toilets, or be threatened to have their sisters, wives or mothers raped". 
      A Defense for Children International representative stated that, in one Zionist prison, "Around 18 children were severely beaten, screaming in pain.  I saw police dogs attacking them.  [Children were] bleeding from the mouth and head."  And all this routine sadism was commonly practiced by Zionists even before October 7.
PPPS:  There is grand theater on a global level being presented on a stage in Gaza right now.  Netanyahu appears to thoroughly enjoy playing Sweeney Todd on steroids -- while Biden seems to relish playing the role of bloody Mrs. Lovett.  And, sadly, no one in its global audience is even trying to stop this rancid butchery. 


Scott Ritter discusses the horrors of the attack on the USS Liberty with survivor Phillip Tourney:

Day 164:  31,553 murdered, many more left unidentified under the rubble:

Al Jazeera remembers the 1947-48 wholesale massacres of Palestinians:

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