Wednesday, February 14, 2024

How are the Evil Globalist Bastards trying to kill us? Let me count the ways


How are the Evil Globalist Bastards trying to kill us? Let me count the ways

     Just look at what has happened to Gaza City.  Ruins.  Ruins.  Ruins.  "Oh, but that can never happen here," you might say naively.   And of course it's always good to be hopeful.  But on the other hand, it's also a good idea to remember that one of the major goals of the Evil Globalist Bastards who currently run our world is to de-populate said world.  And so.  We must never forget that you and I are part of the world's population too.

      And now let's take a look at all the creative methods that these Evil Globalist Bastards now have at their disposal in order to achieve their raucous de-population goals:

1.  War:  Obviously everyone in the world seems intent on killing everyone else these days -- but let's look at the specifics.  America used to be the world's greatest superpower but, after the Soviet Union fell, what did we do with all those glorious Peace Dividends?  We attacked Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria -- not to mention starting proxy wars on Yemen, Palestine, Iran, Lebanon and Russia.

     All that money wasted on murdering people.  

     And now that America has been soundly defeated by Russia in our Ukraine proxy war, we are still acting like some has-been bully who's already shot all the bullets in his gun and has none left to reload with -- and yet is still trying to engage Russia, Iran and China directly.  How many people will die in this boondoggle?  How many Americans here at home will die as well as the usual off-shored piles of corpses?

     And let's not even mention the fact that every single man, woman and child in America could be given millions of dollars each instead of giving it to psychopathic weapons manufacturers and blood-thirsty ghouls in DC and Kiev.

     Somewhere, probably in a thousand-year bunker in Davos, the Evil Globalist Bastards are totally loving all this.

2.  Net-Zero carbon emissions:  Say what?  Plants need carbon dioxide to live.  If we go down to carbon-zero, then what do we get?  A whole planet without any vegetation.  And what about us humans?  We give off carbon dioxide when we exhale.  Are they also planning to kill us all off and replace us with A.I. and Priuses in order to avoid our human carbon emissions?  Duh, yeah. 

3.  Education:  Speaking of stupidity, the Iranians, Russians and Chinese are all providing their kids with world-class educations -- for free.  But our kids?  Rote memorization, "teaching to the test," Zoom classes and going into debt for the rest of their lives in order to get a crappy education that is almost purposely designed to dumb them down.

    Rote learning used to be the main feature of Bantu-stan schools back in old apartheid South Africa.  "Just make them smart enough to read mem-sahib's shopping list."

     And do uneducated people die earlier?  Yeah they do.

4.  Eliminating fossil fuels:  No heat in the winter unless we cut down all our trees?  Solar power is a nice idea and so are electric vehicles -- but ultimately we still rely on fossil fuels to keep ourselves alive and it's deadly (to us) to think otherwise.  Let's just ration the elites' use of private jets and cut down on military adventurism.  We're good.

5.  Divide and Conquer:  Trump against Biden, Black against White, religions against religions, countries against countries, men against women, old against young, Left against Right, legals against illegals, union workers against scabs, whatever.  Cui bono?  Who benefits as we kill one another off?  The Evil Globalist Bastards of course.

6.  Transgender:  What can possibly kill us off faster (besides war of course) than to eliminate our ability to reproduce?  Plus who the freak wants to make themselves vulnerable to Big Pharma for the rest of their lives in order to get hormone shots?  And while Trans adults are one thing, children are just too young to make such a life-changing decision as to whether or not they want to become mommies or daddies some day.  And yet the EGBs just keep on grooming our kindergartners. 

     Hell, you can't even drink until you're 21.  So why not wait until after you're 21 before changing your gender.  Patience is a virtue, right?

7.  Vaccines:  "My body, my choice" applies to everyone -- except when it comes to mandating experimental drugs that, we are now slowly learning, do far more harm than good.  For instance, why doesn't anyone ever consider that injecting aluminum straight into our kids' blood streams might not be a good idea?

    And how come, only after all these phony vaccines were mandated, we've now suddenly starting to hear new words like myocarditis, turbo-cancers, micro-clots -- and our all-time favorite, "excess deaths".  

8.  Destroying our farms and slaughtering our farm animals:  Since when did farming become a bad thing?  And when did that Sunday chicken dinner with the family become taboo?  Starvation is better?  The Evil Globalist Bastards think so.

9.  Pestilence:  Why are we letting the EGBs' pet scientists in phony lab coats and costume-shop pocket protectors spend billions trying to create various and sundry secret ways to murder us?  And then actually persuade us to eagerly pay for all that malfeasance ourselves?  Do we have a Death Wish or what?

10.  Glyphosates, Round-up and GMOs:  Sure, War is more effective in killing us all off quickly but, with these bad boys in charge, we still die -- only we die more slowly from fun stuff like obesity, cancer, nerve damage, digestive failures and autism.  Still and all, our deaths are unavoidable just the same.  Wouldn't it be safer for us to just live with bugs and weeds?  Not according to the EGBs' deadly plans for you and me.

11.  Propaganda:  The Evil Globalist Bastards are now trying to convince us that committing slow suicide by any or all of the above-mentioned methods is good for us.  Don't go along with the program?  Then we are outcasts, conspiracy theorists or just plain nuts.

      They've lied to us about Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, 9-11, RussiaGate, Hunter Biden's laptop, COV$D, Ukra$ne, Gaza and even the JFK assassination!  And yet we still believe them -- and keep electing their monstrous puppets too.

12.  The Border:  Sending thousands of immigrants into the United States makes everyone crazy for a variety of reasons, but the main purpose is clear:  Make the rich blatantly richer and the poor starkly poorer -- and thus kill off all of us excess peons one by one.  Plus there's the extra added bonus of making the world more globalist and weakening all national identity.  No "America the Beautiful" for us any more.

13.  Smart Cities:  They are stacking us like cord-wood these days, stuck in Shanghai-style high-rises.  All it would take is one guy with an Uzi and a comfortable chair in each high-rise lobby to keep us all safely under control.  Stay hungry!

     Not only is a large concentration of people living on top of one another unnatural, it also creates a dangerous vulnerability.  Think Dresden, Hiroshima, Gaza City.

14.  Central banks:  Russia, China and Iran are not America's greatest enemies.  Our greatest enemy is the Federal Re$erve -- running a Ponzi scheme that is slowly but surely ruining our economy and leading us into the world's greatest Great Depression ev-ah, creating more and more inflation, starting more and more wars and printing Monopoly money in order to create the shabby illusion that our stock market is actually doing well.  It is not. 

     Financial ruin is bad for our health.  Poverty-stricken people die sooner.

15.  Processed food:  See Item 10.  Also, eating foods fried in vegetable oil has same effect on cancer risk as chain-smoking 20 cigarettes does.  And these oils make you obese too.  Switch to olive oil and butter.  You can thank me later.

16.  Infrastructure:  Trillions of dollars for war yet pennies to repair bridges, roads, power grids, sewers, water treatment plants, hospitals, landlines, post offices, fire departments, whatever.  Our worn-out infrastructure, however, just isn't killing us off fast enough.  Sure, rust never sleeps but war is a much more efficient way to go.  More bang for their buck.  "One of the ways that you understand a society is through its infrastructure."

17.  Government:  America is no longer a Republic.  Now we're just a "Public Private Partnership," controlled by corporations and special-interest lobbies.  I hate that phrase -- and yet the Evil Globalist Bastards clearly see its full potential (for killing us all off and then owning stock in public-private cemeteries).

     I'm sure there are a lot more ways that the Evil Globalist Bastards are trying to de-populate Planet Earth in order create their own little Eden, but the ones listed here should be a fabulous head start.


The U.S. military is shockingly unprepared for "war":  Col. Douglas Macgregor: Is WWIII Around the Corner?

The Middle East is about to blow up.  This is not a good thing for you and me:   Middle East on Fire - Pakistan, Iran border skirmishes signal a new anti-terror alliance | Vanessa Beeley

Scott Ritter sez the Iranians' weapons are awesome.  Ours?  Not so much.  Scott Ritter: Tower 22 drone attack in Jordan is Ir@n & Iraq punish the US for support of uh Israel

Caitlin Johnstone is never hesitant about informing us about what is really going on:  More US-Driven Escalations Toward War In The Middle East

Here's what a lot of the right-wing military is thinking.  Fascinating.  Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier: Does US Have a Fighting Force?

The Highwire and Del Bigtree have been maligned for years -- and yet   they have almost always been totally correct:  UNREDACTED - The HighWire

Max and Aaron -- lies, lies and more lies about October 7:  Israel's most outrageous propaganda ad yet

Caitlin Johnstone on "divide and conquer":  Democrats Are Demented Genocidal War Sluts

"What's Left" has another interesting way of looking at the border crisis:  Texas Border Boondoggle!

Ever wonder what is REALLY going on in West Asia? Now you can't claim that you didn't know. But what the Axis of Resistance just doesn't understand is that the more people die in West Asia, the happier the EGBs become.  Why?  Because the Evil Globalist Bastards really are truly evil: U.S. escalation in West Asia on behalf of Israel - what will they do next? by vanessa beeley

Greg Mannarino discusses the grim financial implications of "war" for you and me:  NEW U.S. WAR EXPANDING RAPIDLY. CRUDE SURGING...WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW NOW. Mannarino

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Stop Wall Street, War Street, Big Pharma and Big Tech from destroying our world.  And while you're at it, please buy my books

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