Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Adventures in Voting: Who really selects America's next prez?


Adventures in Voting: Who really selects America's next prez?
      I just heard a rumor that if anyone dares to question the accuracy of the American election process, they can be arrested and jailed.  So.  Here's me, testing that rumor out by throwing all my cards on the table.  Yes, I do believe that American elections are rigged.  Haul me off to prison and make me do hard labor for the rest of my life -- but that's what I think.

     "But, Jane," you might say, "how can you even think such a thing.  Just look at our current high-quality election voting system!  We have mail-in ballots.  We have vote centers that are open four (4) whole days to make voting easier.  Each and every voting center in America has been supplied with at least $80,000 worth of voting equipment in order to make our votes count!  Multiple billions are spent during each election on getting out the vote and producing an accurate vote tabulation."

      Okay.  I get it.  I've been a poll worker a whole bunch of times.  I've seen all the bells and whistles up close and personal.  Sooo much electronic equipment.  Silicon Valley must be very pleased with all their profits.  And yet.  Here's my theory on how American presidential elections are really run:

      Imagine a smoke-filled back room somewhere in some fancy hotel, say, in London or Davos, where the Evil Globalist Bastards are all eating caviar and drinking 30-year-old Scotch.  Biden comes in, hat in hand.  "If you elect me, I will promise you the moon," he sez.  The Bastards smile. 

    But then Trump comes in, barging past the security guards and looking outraged.  "If you elect me, I'll give you the moon -- and then throw in Venus and Saturn!"  Or perhaps Jill Stein, RFK Jr, Marianne Williamson, Dr. Shiva, Bernie Sanders or even "Uncommitted" will show up and promise them Jupiter, Mars, Mercury and Uranus as well.  Wow.  This going to be a very hard decision for the Bastards to make.  One year they chose Trump.  One year they chose Biden.  Who will the Evil Globalist Bastards choose this year?
     "But Jane," you might say, "What about all those electronic voting machines?  All those printable ballots?  All those vote-by-mail packages and touch-screen apparatus and poll workers and election observers and..." 

     Yeah, well.  Mostly they are just PR stunts to make us believe that our votes actually count.  Stalin was right.  "It's not the votes that count but who counts the votes."  Please come visit me in jail.  Oh, and don't forget to vote!

PS:  When I was a kid, my mom used to convert our dining room into an election precinct once every four years.  Truman and Kennedy were elected that way -- even Johnson and Nixon.  My mom and two other ladies would hand-count the paper ballots and then hand in their total to the county election officials.  Everyone knew the results by midnight.  Were elections stolen back then too?  Probably.  But at least it was harder to do and a lot more fun.
PPS:  After the Versailles fiasco had destroyed the German economy back in the day, American industrialists and financiers helped Hitler to get Germany back on its feet and become self-sufficient.  So.  Why aren't American industrialists and financiers helping America become self-sufficient now too?  


     Because they are too busy exporting America's industrial power, jobs, weapons, production, wealth and dollars to places like China, India, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Ukra$ne and even Haiti.

"There is a common theme at play in Palestine, DR Congo and Haiti. Brazen leaders and shadowy elites are using the military, financial and political muscle of the US to provide weapons and diplomatic cover to those who carry out the killings, displacements, withholding of food and destruction...." Gaza Is DR Congo, Gaza Is Haiti

Economic de-colonization starts with home-cooked meals! Layers of Decolonization | "They want you isolated, obligated, and subjugated"

Israel supporters seem to like killing children:  Israel Supporters Are Some Of The Worst People In The World

There is no difference between Republicans and Democrats.  Hard to tell who not to vote for first.  If I object to Biden's genocide, I'm called a Trumper.  I'm not a fan of either.  The Difference Between Republicans And Democrats

And then there's Greg Mannarino, speaking on the 2024 Presidential Selection:
Is Tucker Carlson a traitor?  Or is it the White House, Congress and Wall Street that are working against our best interests? 
There are the Millennials and Gen Z. Now there is Generation Lock-Down.


Stop Wall Street, War Street, Big Pharma and Big Tech from destroying our world.  And while you're at it, please buy my books

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