Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Math problem: Is there a difference between German & Gaza holocaust deaths?


Math problem: Is there a difference between German & Gaza holocaust deaths?

I am really bad at math. Help me out here. Remember all those miserable thought problems that teachers tormented us with back in elementary school? Here's another one: 

There were 2.5 million Palestinians in Gaza. Approximately 30,000 of them were slaughtered in the current Zionist holocaust. 

There were 79 million Germans living in Germany in 1940. According to the U.S. Memorial Holocaust Museum, 180,000 of these Germans were Jews. All but 20,000 German Jews were slaughtered during the 1939-1945 Nazi holocaust. 

Please solve for the following: What is the ratio in both of these horrific scenarios between those slaughtered and the general population?

160,000 goes into 79 million 493 times, over the course of approximately six years. 30,000 goes into 2.5 million 83 times, over the course of 75 days.

"But how can we possibly compare the ratio of the number of murdered victims to the general numerical pool in each of these two holocausts," you might ask. "Statistically, what does this even mean?"

I'll tell you what it means -- it means that our world leaders will do anything for power and money. Anything. 

PS: No, I'm not being a Nazi holocaust denier. I do understand that, by 1940, many German Jews had already been deported to Eastern Europe where they later met terrible fates, or else had escaped to Britain or America.  However. I am not being a Gaza holocaust denier either. There already are too many of those.

PPS: Whether a person calls themselves a Jew, a Zionist, a Christian, a Muslim, a Democrat, a Republican or whatever, the actual proof of what they actually believe and what they actually stand for is only revealed by how they walk the walk. Are they ethical and kind and just -- or are they just common greedy bastards who only care about money and power and who have fewer morals than the proverbial alley cat? That is how we should judge people.

  And America's and Israel's current leaders have failed every single morality test on offer. Failed them big-time. 


All the sad things we need to know about German Jews during the Nazi holocaust:

We are all being sucker-punched by "our" central banks:

America is attacking Yemen? Seriously? The US has clearly learned its lesson in Ukra$ne-Russia debacle. "Don't attack large countries." It has now fallen back on its usual more successful policy of only attacking and bullying countries that are much smaller than them.

American neo-cons seem to love them some genocide:  LIVE: Going To War w/ Lebanon & Yemen!
Remember that phony U.S. propaganda photo of some Syrian boy cosmetically made up to look tragic?  Here's what the real thing looks like in Gaza: 
"The IDF are so good at killing Israelis that they should consider joining Hamas."

After almost 1,100 days of Big Pharma trying really hard to harm us and scare us, even more of their vaxx-related scary stuff is coming our way.


Stop Wall Street, War Street, Big Pharma and Big Tech from destroying our world.  And while you're at it, please buy my books

And here's my latest book too -- A Tale of 22 Cities:  Traveling Across America During the Great Lock-Down:

I'm also trying to raise funds for my next humanitarian relief project -- in Bolivia!  Here's a link to my GiveSendGo account.  Please donate even just five dollars?  This is important.  Don't make me beg!