Monday, August 21, 2023

The World Health Organization's latest plan to Serve Mankind? Eliminate a few billion pesky humans?


The World Health Organization's latest plan to Serve Mankind? Eliminate a few billion pesky humans?

     Our fearless leaders at the World Health Organization are desperately trying to issue a new law.  "Only we can prescribe medicine for you.  Not your doctor, not your hospital, not your podiatrist, not your acupuncturist, not your chiropractor and especially not your naturopath."  
     In the near future, even your local witch doctor will be under WHO control -- but who the freak even knows what the WHO's "Standard of Care" is actually going to be.  "Eat bugs and call us in a year...."

      And we all know how well that went for us the last time there was a health scare -- when the NIH dictated to all American hospitals that Remdesiver (aka Run Death Is Near) must be the required treatment for anyone who even coughed more than once during the Great Lock-Down.

      "Let's put the whole world on Remdesiver during the next plandemic!" all those non-doctors at the W.H.O seem to be telling us.  "Just think how wonderful it will be for Big Pharma to have a complete monopoly on the practice of medicine.  And just imagine how much healthier the World will be without all those pesky human beings clogging it up!"
      I can hardly wait.

PS:  "But, Jane, this is crazy talk," you might say.  "The World Health Organization and Big Pharma are our friends!"  
     And yet even despite all these wonderful friendships, Americans keep dying at a younger and younger age these days -- even though most of us now take at least three prescription pills a day, have had at least 50 intravenous vaccinations, and now spend hours and hours watching Big Pharma TV advertisements reassuring us that these very same pills and vaccines are gonna make us live longer.


Here's all you ever wanted to know (and more) about the W.H.O.'s latest nefarious schemes.  Local autonomy and civil rights?  Out the window.

And YouTube, as well as the WHO, also wants us to only buy from the Big Pharma monopoly.  "A few days ago YouTube amended their Covid19 Misinformation policy, changing it so it now applies to all things medical."
Do you ever just happen to wonder what is going on in Yemen these days?  After a decade of watching America and Saudi Arabia bomb and starve its women and children for fun and profit?



Stop Wall Street, War Street, Big Pharma and Big Tech from destroying our world.  And while you're at it, please buy my books

And here's my latest book too -- A Tale of 22 Cities:  Traveling Across America During the Great Lock-Down

I'm also trying to raise funds for my next research project -- in Bolivia!  Here's the link to my GiveSendGo account.  Plus my union has been on strike for a month now -- but I still gotta pay to get to Bolivia.  Please give even five dollars?  This is important.  Don't make me beg!