Thursday, August 17, 2023

I am an Average American: I am in debt up to my neck


I am an Average American: I am in debt up to my neck

     "The national debt is out of control," say the experts.  Hey my debt is out of control too!  "Morgan Stanley has just warned us about the extreme dangers of being in debt with regard to the stock market."  But has Morgan Stanley warned me about all the dangers of my debt too?  Probably not.

      I'm currently up to my neck in debt.  And are you up to your neck in debt as well?  Yes?  Not to worry.  You and I are not alone.  Almost every other American is too.

     Can I sleep peacefully at night with all this debt hanging around my neck like a millstone?  No.  I just lie there, stare at the ceiling and worry about how I'm going to come up with $5,000 in order to pay off my credit card debt.  And I bet that you lie awake at night worrying about debt too.  It's the American Way right now.

     "What?  You are only in debt for 5K?" sez Morgan Stanley.  "Lucky you!  A $5,000 debt is basically chump change to the average American.  Count your blessings and shut up."  Yeah, but.  Seems like a lot of money to me.  Sure, I haven't just run out and bought a Lexis or a new house or whatever Amazon has on offer these days -- but my puny little debt still keeps me awake nights.

     Hey, America, just curious.  Do your bottomless debts keep you awake at night too?  They should.  Why?  Because there is no end in sight and no relief coming our way -- for you or me either.  No better jobs on the horizon for us, no jubilee debt relief, no winning lottery tickets.

     Sure, a lot of Americans can sell off their pension funds, take a second mortgage on their homes and max out all their credit cards -- but it's not gonna help Americans climb out of their money pit because America's money pit is too wide, too deep and too broad.

      For far too long, most Americans have been robbing their futures in order to pay off their now.  And I'm also doing it too.  Of course stealing from the future is a highly dangerous thing to do.  But at least I'm not alone.  The American government, the Federal Re$erve, the Pentagon and all the rest of us true-blooded Americans are doing it as well -- but how long can this crazy pyramid scheme continue before it crashes?  

     No wonder I can't sleep at night.
PS:  Here's some free financial advice that I had to learn the hard way:  "Never loan your adult children money if it would be a disaster for you if they failed to pay you back."  You're welcome.

PPS:  At least I don't live in Lahaina.  First the horrors of suspicious fires and missing children -- and then the blatant land-grabs began.  Those poor people.


Stop Wall Street, War Street, Big Pharma and Big Tech from destroying our world.  And while you're at it, please buy my books

And here's my latest book too -- A Tale of 22 Cities:  Traveling Across America During the Great Lock-Down

I'm also trying to raise funds for my next research project -- in Bolivia!  Here's the link to my GiveSendGo account.  Plus my union has been on strike for a month now -- but I still gotta pay to get to Bolivia.  Please give even five or ten dollars?  This is important.  Don't make me beg!