Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Economic reality: Why I reluctantly said goodbye to Mexico last week...


Economic reality: Why I reluctantly said goodbye to Mexico last week...
      While all my neighbors in Berkeley were stoically trying to endure all those adverse weather conditions from Hell including heavy storms, flood waters and two-day power outages, I was happily down in sunny Mexico and having a fabulous time.  If only I could afford it and could speak Spanish and didn't look like such a Gringo, I would gladly move south of the border forever.  
      Mexico is a warm friendly safe happy country filled with history, creativity and helpful community values.  Drug lords and street gangs are just a small part of the story down there.  Most places in Mexico are safer at night than New York City.

      "But if Mexico is such a heaven on earth," you might say, "then why are millions of Mexicans choosing to leave it in droves, sneak into America and steal all our jobs?" 

     Good question.  And I have a good answer too.  "Economic reality." 

     The pay scale is much better here in America -- or at least it used to be before COV$D, Ukra$ne, the Federal Re$erve, central bank dig$tal currency, bank fa$lures, $raq, Afghan$stan, L$bya and 9-$1 happened to us.  Not to mention getting stuck with Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush lite, Obama, Trump and Biden.  "You just don't like authority figures, Jane," said my friend.  Got that one right -- especially ones that lie through their teeth and think that "war" is a fun sport and not the major cause of climate catastrophe.  But I digress. 

      What's not to love about Mexico?  Before the Europeans invaded, Mexico had a highly impressive pre-Columbian civilization.  And there are still Aztecs, Mayans, Zapotecs and Mixtecs living there now.  And they are hard-working, friendly people who smile a lot.  Who the freak would ever voluntarily want to leave Mexico?  Not me.  And probably not them either.

     Remember seeing all those long lines of immigrants on TV, crossing the Rio Grande with only the clothes on their backs?  Do you honestly imagine that any one of those desperate people wouldn't much rather be back in their homes, with their families, if it weren't for the drug lords supplied with U.S. weapons and the poverty encouraged by Latin America's greedy neighbor to the north?

     Whenever I see a Mexican ex-pat living up here in America, I just want to give him or her a warm hug and say, "So sorry that you've been forced to leave your lovely home to come up here to this cold unfriendly place.  I feel your pain.  Economic reality's a bitch."

PS:  Speaking of human migrations, one of the saddest things I ever saw was a deserted room in a deserted home in Baghdad back in 2007.  It was covered in dust.  A broken toy doll lay in one corner.

     "A university professor and his family used to live here before they were forced to flee from our incoming mortars," said U.S. Army captain Hernandez, my military escort.  "I hear that the whole family died trying to escape to Syria." 

     And I recently met a Haitian woman who had fled Port au Prince after U.S. thugs and enforcers toppled Jean-Bertrand Aristide's popular Lavalas democracy.

     And just the other day I read that the dead and bloated bodies of Libyan refugees are still washing up on the shores of Italy, years after their entire country was brutally destroyed by the U.S.A.  People who once had free university educations and free medical care under Qaddafi are now just piles of unclaimed corpses on some deserted European beach.

     And let's not forget the millions of terrified refugees who have fled American-created hell-holes like Iraq, Palestine, Syria, Cuba, Yemen, Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Honduras, Guatemala, Ukra$ne, Angola, El Salvador, Allende's Chile, Lumumba's Congo, Iran's
Mosaddegh, etc.

     It seems like the whole planet Earth has become just one giant ant hill that's been carelessly kicked open by some sadistic boy named America.

     No wonder nobody likes us.

PPS:  Let's review:  In its rush to deprive us of our cars, our streets, our stoves and our cows, the mainstream media always forgets to mention that "war" is the number-one cause of climate catastrophe.  No one in power ever talks about depriving us of "war".


"I'm gonna leave Old Texas now..." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RW5-ZKWYn4

"Haiti is not a poor country.  It is a robbed country":  https://www.transcend.org/tms/2022/11/wisdom-from-the-jungle/

America has also been invaded -- not in the style of Iraq or Ukra$ne -- but the results are the same:  A broken economy, a broken society.  But where the freak are we going to flee to?  Here's the link -- while it lasts:  https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/bombshell-vax-analysis-finds-147-billion-economic-damage-tens-millions-injured-or-disabled  "Bombshell Vax Analysis Finds $147 Billion In Economic Damage, Tens Of Millions Injured Or Disabled:  A new report estimates that 26.6 million people were injured, 1.36 million disabled, and 300,000 excess deaths can be attributed to COVID-19 vaccine damages in 2022 alone, which cost the economy nearly $150 billion."

       Stop Wall Street, War Street, Big Pharma and Big Tech from destroying our world.  And while you're at it, please buy my books https://www.amazon.com/Jane-Stillwater/e/B00IW6O1RM%3Fref=dbs_a_mng_rwt_scns_share