Saturday, November 19, 2022

From the Baltics to the West Bank: Censorship, concentration camps, Mossad & me


From the Baltics to the West Bank: Censorship, concentration camps, Mossad & me

     Good grief, I just found out that Mossad has been spying on me!  Should I be terrified -- or honored?  So many random thoughts are running around my brain right now.  It's gonna be a Herculean task to sort them all out -- but let's give it a try.  Here's the list.  Help me out.

1.  Just discovered that a conference I'd attended in Jordan several years ago was being secretly infiltrated by the Mossad.  Okay.  That clearly explains why I was put on a Zionist blacklist and kicked out of the West Bank back then -- when all I actually wanted to do was visit some archeological sites in Bethlehem.

     After I got kicked out of the West Bank, of course I protested this injustice.  "I'm an American citizen!  We have a treaty with Bibi that sez Americans are welcome in the Holy Land!  We give you billions of $$$$ and this is the thanks I get for it?!?  I'm a tourist!  You got to let me in!"  Didn't work back then.  Why?  Years later I find out that Mossad had falsely labeled me a terrorist anti-Semite but given me the boot anyway.

     Now I'm all worried that Mossad might interfere with my current life too.  Am I over-reacting?  Can I still safely shop and do laundry without worrying about drones? 

2.  I recently toured almost every Nazi concentration camp in the Baltics, Germany and Poland -- and there are a lot of them too.  So.  I'm not in any mood to tolerate all these new worldwide trends toward censorship, torture, gestapo tactics and violent death right now.  That stuff is ugly.

3.  When I was in Lithuania, I also toured a former KGB prison in Vilnius.  Saw a bullet-pocked blank wall in the prison courtyard where members of the local Resistance were lined up and shot.  Saw several dank basement prison cells used for torture.  But what does Soviet cruelty have to do with modern-day Russia?  Are the sins of the fathers forever going to hang around the necks of the sons?

      And while in Vilnius, I also got to hang out at the very same prison where Stranger Things was filmed!  Some enterprising soul also opened a cafe near the dungeons and it now serves high-end pastry and lattes.  Times change.

A bunch of wealthy G20 leaders just met in Bali and decided that it would be a fabulous idea to inflict central bank digital currencies, a social credit system, Big Pharma passports, neo-fuedalism and carbon lock-downs for everyone but them.  Boy do they have plans for us!  Hitler and Stalin woulda been so proud.
     Nobody ever mentions Libya or Gaza any more.  And five years from now, nobody will be mentioning us any more either.
5.  Just finished being a poll worker for the California elections.  Our precinct alone featured at least six figures worth of high tech voting equipment.  What a gold mine for Silicon Valley!  I liked it better when my mother was a poll worker.  Paper ballots, hand counted.  Done and dusted for just a few measly dollars.

     But Stalin was right about one thing.  "It's not the votes that count.  It's who counts the votes."  Paper or plastic?  It doesn't matter.  Back at the main office, the same machine counts them all.  We decide who wins?  Yeah, right.  The military-industrial complex decides.  Been that way since even before the 2000 election.

6.  Facebook keeps shadow-banning me.  And I also get cursed and yelled at by real people if I even attempt to mention simple scientific facts such as that one in every 27 people who get jabbed will develop heart problems, that you are much more likely to get COV$D if you are jabbed, and that most of us have been jabbed and/or boostered for the last 692 days -- yet we still keep coming down with COV$D.  

      "You're a liar!  That's not true!" people yell at me.  Yes it is.  But if I quote actual science instead of the Dominant Narrative, am I gonna get burned at the stake?  No one debates stuff any more.  It's all about labeling and name-calling these days. 

7.  Times change indeed.  Used to be that I was merely accused of being a draft-dodging Commie for protesting the wars on Vietnam, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, etc.  Now I'm being labeled an anti-vaxxer, a domestic terrorist, a conspiracy theorist, a Putin sympathizer and even a Republican!  What ever happened to honest debate in America? 

     But at least they don't have me shoved up against a blank wall.  Yet.


Why some Jab batches are okay and some Jab batches are not so hot:

Science is being censored.  This is not a good thing.  Just ask Geordano Bruno:

Scott Ritter discusses Palestine, North Korea, nukes and other important stuff:

Here's a photo of me, working the 2022 elections.  Bragging rights!

Zelensky and Bush deserve each other.  "Everyone is anti-war until the war propaganda machine starts up."  Zelensky And Bush To Give Joint Pro-War Presentation

       Stop Wall Street, War Street, Big Pharma and Big Tech from destroying our world.  And while you're at it, please buy my books