Friday, September 30, 2022

Wasn't allowed into Ukraine last week so had to settle for Poland...


Wasn't allowed into Ukraine last week so had to settle for Poland...

      Remember back in the day when Ernest Hemingway bravely covered Spain's heroic battles against fascism and then wrote his masterpiece For Whom the Bells Toll?  Poor Ernest.  Were he alive today, things would unfold very differently for him.  NATO would go to any extreme to keep him out of Ukra$ne, Zelensky would sic the Azov Brigade on his arse, and he'd be forced back to Idaho, drowning himself in scotch and soda.
     But even though I'm no Ernest Hemingway (or even Max Blumenthal for that matter), I woulda loved to have gone to Kyiv or Zaporizhzhia to report on this major unfolding story.  Who is lying about how this particular war started?  Zelensky or Putin?  Who broke the 2014 Minsk Agreement?  Zelensky or Putin?  Who has systematically condoned the murder of hundreds of Russian-speaking women and children in Eastern Ukraine during the past eight years?  Zelensky or Putin?    

     And why didn't Zelensky just propose a Donbas election referendum months ago?  Beat Putin to the punch?  Probably for the same reason that the US didn't offer Vietnam a referendum choice between Uncle Ho and Agent Orange-slash-Napalm.  Or why weren't Libyans offered to chose between Muammar Gaddafi and Hilary Clinton.  Or what if Syrians had been given a choice to vote against their Saudi, Turkish, American and ISIS occupation?

      Or why aren't Palestinians allowed to hold a referendum on whether or not they want to be carpet-bombed by American F-16s every time Zionists decide to "mow the lawn".  Or how come China never asked Tibet if it wanted to be part of the PRC?  Or why didn't Iraqis get to chose between Saddam Hussein and Shock and Awe. 

     Apparently referenda and diplomacy are not popular in today's militarized world -- and "the UN only recognizes seizure of territory if it is done by physical force."  That's just whacked.
       I'd have given an arm and a leg to have been an election observer in Donbas recently.  Didn't happen.  Or to be the first gonzo journalist to report on who blew up the Nord Stream pipelines.  Was it yet another false flag like the Gulf of Tonkin incident, Saddam's alleged WMDs or those White Helmet gas attacks blamed on Syria -- or did Putin do it?  Who benefits?  I want to go there and find out!  I want to be an actual eye witness, a real war correspondent!  I want to know! 

      "Fat chance of that happening, Jane." 

     So I did the next best thing.  I went off to Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, Finland, Germany and Latvia.  The Baltic States.  Maybe I could pick up a few crumbs of information falling off the Ukraine table?

      Basically, the main thing that I actually found out about all of these countries is that almost everyone I met there was scared spit-less of...wait for it...the Soviet Union!  Can't argue with that.  The USSR was bad, really bad.  Being occupied by them was a nightmare.  I get that.  Hell, even Russians hated the Soviet Union.  But then what happened next in Russia after Reagan said "Tear Down This Wall"?  Trust me, you are about to find out. 

     Yeltsin and America happened.

      Back in 1996, Americans bragged (actually bragged on the cover of Time magazine) that they had stolen the Russian election in favor of Boris Yeltsin.  Yeltsin was greedy, malleable and drunk.  Vodka -- not scotch and soda.  He was America's guy.   

     Then Yeltsin, our man in Moscow, happily fed Mother Russia and all of her children to America's corporate wolves (the same wolves who are happily devouring you and me right now too).  And then Putin came to the rescue of Russia, blah blah blah.  And Russia today is simply not the old Soviet Union, ready to gobble up Central Europe.  But unfortunately, here in the Baltic States, NATO is now the wolf in sheep's clothing.  Sorry about that.  They gots the wrong bad guy.

      "Once NATO is allowed into a country, it never leaves," said Little Red Riding Hood.  And boy has she got that right.

      Anyway, my trip to Central Europe and the Baltic States wasn't as exciting as wearing a flak jacket in Kherson might have been -- but oh well.  I still learned a lot.  For instance, I was able to visit a Ukraine refugee camp in Poland recently.  But that's another story....

PS:  Remember back when George W. Bush asked, "Why do they hate us?"  Here's why folks in the Donbas region hate Zelensky, NATO and America.  Dr. Vladimir Kozin, a Russian military expert and researcher, clearly explains it to us:

1.  The majority of voters in the four eastern regions of Ukraine have just expressed their wish to live in Russia.  Four separate referenda were recently held in two independent republics in Donbass, and in two regions in southern Ukraine, namely the Kherson and Zaporozhye Oblast regions.

     According to preliminary results, an overwhelming majority of voters have okayed admission of all these regions to the Russian Federation as equal subjects.

     All referenda have been recognized as valid.  There as been a very high level of participation of voters despite permanent heavy shelling of the residential areas in all four regions by heavy weapons, including the U.S.-made MLRS HIMARS, by Armed Forces of Ukraine in violation of the UN Charter, the OSCE decisions and EU basic principles. 

     Such fantastic returns ran counter to German foreign minister Annalena Baerbock's allegations, made on Marcus Lanza’s TV program, that voters have been shot, raped and then hung on crosses for three days while Russian soldiers with Kalashnikovs in their hands stand next to them. 

     Where has she gotten this false information?  Nowhere.  Such cases have not been recorded during the referenda.  More than 200 foreign observers who have arrived in these regions have not confirmed such false allegations.  And no local citizen has lodged any respective complaint, by the way. 

     This is one more and the latest vivid example of Baerbock's wrong behavior.  It is a shame that she still represents Germany as the head of the German diplomatic service. 

2.  Why have the majority of citizens in these four named regions voted for joining Russia?  No long arguments and explanations -– there are plenty of them to catalogue here.  No time.  Later.  Just official figures of atrocities committed by the Armed Forces of Ukraine:

In LPR, from 2014 until February 24, 2022:

     Killed – 1771;
     Wounded - 3350;
     Children killed – 38;
     Children wounded – 91;
     Social infrastructure buildings destroyed – more than 7200;
     Social infrastructure buildings damaged – more than 26000

In LPR, from February 24 until September 23, 2022:

     Killed – 91;
     Wounded – 292;
     Children killed – 7;
     Children wounded – 26;
     Social infrastructure buildings destroyed – 252;
     Social infrastructure buildings damaged – 2846

In DPR, from 2014 till February 24, 2022:

     Killed – 9178;
     Wounded  – 24629;
     Children killed– 120;
     Children wounded– 548;  (NOTE: all data below for social infrastructure buildings has only been collected since 2017)
     Social infrastructure buildings destroyed – 2895;
     Social infrastructure buildings damaged  – 9987

Since February 24 till September 23, 2022:

     Killed – 908;
     Wounded – 3475;
     Children killed – 26;
     Social infrastructure buildings destroyed – 1790;
     Social infrastructure buildings damaged – 7470

      A straight-forward question:  Where will you prefer to live after having experienced all this?  In Ukraine or in Russia?

3.  Kiev regime continues shelling the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant.

     On September 26, Ukrainian artillery shelled residential areas of Energodar and the territory adjacent to the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant (ZNPP).  During the day, Ukrainian artillery fired 59 shells.  Four of them exploded near Kazachaya Street in Energodar, and one hit a water utility near the ZNPP.  The shelling was carried out from cities of Marganets and Nikopol (Dnepropetrovsk Region), controlled by the AFU.  Enemy firepower has been neutralized by Russian artillery's counter-attack.

     In addition, the attempts of the AFU to strike the territory of the ZNPP by eight loitering unmanned aerial vehicles also launched by AFU have been prevented.  All Ukrainian UAVs were shot down outside the territory of the nuclear plant.  And as in the past, the UNO, OSCE and IAEA have not criticized president Zelensky’s regime for such barbaric actions against an operating nuclear power plant.  Waiting for a disaster?

PPS:  Speaking of scotch and soda, in honor of Hemingway I sampled some Glenfiddich in Lithuania.  Meh.  But in Latvia, I tasted Riga Black Balsam for the first time and became totally hooked.  Invented in 1752.  60 proof.  Catherine the Great used to claim it had health properties.  Yes, it had those too.

     And in Estonia they brew up a "digestif" called Vana Tallinn.  Immediately bought two bottles.  "The finest spices and rum," sez the label.  80 proof.  Pour it over ice cream.  Better than Hemingway's mojitos -- but not the ideal drink for a war correspondent.  Puts you to sleep.

      And just so you know, the Latvian equivalent of "cheers" is pronounced "tér·ri·blë-séx". 


Here's Russia's side of the Nord Stream story (always good to hear both sides):

So much for American democracy.  Apparently the CIA runs the show in America these days:

Greg Mannarino once again gets his knickers in a twist and reminds us that the Federal Re$erve is still our worst enemy:

And time for Scott Ritter to report in again.  This one is a must-watch:

And the Great Reset is still forefront in the Evil Globalist Bastards' minds:

And after 937 days of disastrous lock-downs and after coercing over 70% of us to be uselessly jabbed for the last 630 days, COV$D is slowly but surely turning out to be yet another wolf in sheep's clothing:
Does it count as a conspiracy theory if President Biden just came right out and said it?


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