Wednesday, September 07, 2022

My visit to Dachau: Witnessing the end-game of hate

My visit to Dachau: Witnessing the end-game of hate

     In Munich the other day, it only took me five bus transfers and two trolley rides to get out to the notorious Dachau concentration camp run by Nazis during World War II, a chamber of horrors where dissidents, political prisoners, gypsies, Jews, Poles, Spanish civil war partisans, Soviet POWs, Jehovah's Witnesses, homosexuals and disabled people were tortured, starved, worked to death and murdered.  

     And I found Dachau to be even more heartbreaking because of its lush green woodland location.  A lovely babbling brook ran right past its barren and horrifying wrought-iron gate.  But all that Eden-like beauty ended abruptly once I walked though the prison-camp gate.  "Work will set you free" was embalmed onto this portal to Hell.  

     If Bavaria was Eden, then the Nazis had clearly taken a bite out of the apple that gave them an intimate knowledge of evil.  Back in 1945, they'd stacked hundreds of bodies like cordwood next to a brick crematorium.  These bodies used to be human.  Now they were only innate objects -- like garbage left on the street on pick-up day.

     Photographs of this pile of leftover refuse were on display at Dachau and they made me suddenly realize that it is our spirits, our souls, that make us human -- not just our flesh and bones.

     And the dark shell of Dachau now stands witness to what extremes humans can actually go to when they have lost their souls -- even while still alive.  The commandants and guards at Dachau may have preserved their own bodies but they have murdered their very souls.  Living and breathing, sure, but more dead inside than the skeletal remains in the rubbish heap of their victims.

     But what caused the Nazis to be so abysmally brutal?  Hate.  Hate did it.  And with so many haters still living in our world today, we have clearly not learned the great lesson of Dachau.

     Who do you hate?  People from other races?  From other religions?  Other political parties?  I myself hate the way Gates and Fauci gleefully loosed their biological weapons on We the People and then injected us with their useless bioweapon false cure afterward like Josef Mengele was their own personal hero.

     I hate the way that Zionists treat Palestinians.

     I hate Bush, Obama, Trump and Biden equally.  I hate the way each and every one of them fell all over themselves to sell America out -- and I really hate the Evil Globalist Bastards who give our presidents their marching orders to drive us deeper and deeper into irreparable debt by selling us phony war after phony war after phony war, and who just love it when we hate each other instead of them. 

     And I really really really hate the Federal Re$erve.

     But does this mean that I am systematically planning to murder these weaklings?  To gas them, beat them, kick them, torture them and starve them to death like the Nazis did at Dachau?  No.  That would make me inhuman too.

PS:  Tomorrow I will go visit Auschwitz.  Lucky me.


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