Brainwashing, Paul Haggis, Scientology, you & me
Here's a thing: Professor Mazim Qumsiyeh just pointed out that
America has vigorously supported the right of Iranians to protest their
government but.... "When a reporter asked a US spokeswoman about the right to protest in Palestine against Israeli occupation, she was at a loss for words. Land of hypocrisy indeed."
Well, sure, America is the land of hypocrisy -- but mostly it is the land of brainwashing.
For instance, I am currently reading Lawrence Wright's excellent
book, "Going Clear". It's about the various brainwashing techniques
used in Scientology -- most of them are repetitious, dangerous and/or violent. After over 30 years of faithful servitude, however, Paul Haggis finally decided to escape
from this mess. The result? Suddenly a whole bunch of women showed
up, suddenly accusing him of all kinds of sexual mayhem. Bet every
single one of those women is a brainwashed Scientologist. Read Wright's
book to find out why I should think that.
Shame on Scientology if/when they used such a worthy cause as "Me Too" in order to bring down a whistle-blower.
As a woman (and one who has been a victim of attempted rape myself), I
totally resent this evil use of such a just and noble cause.
So what's my point? Scientologists use brainwashing? Well, duh, of
course they do. But who else uses it? And why? We Americans are
constantly being brainwashed every waking hour of our lives. Every single hour of the day and night there
is a constant barrage of media telling us what to think and do. "Go to
war," they tell us. "Buy a car. Take a drug. Vote against your own
best interests."
According to Wright, Scientology apparently has a whole worldwide
network of basements and "bases" where Scientologists are manipulated, beaten,
starved and/or brainwashed until they submit to its version of the
Stockholm syndrome. When one is actually trapped inside the bubble of
Scientology, it becomes increasingly difficult to see any other
worldview -- because no other version is allowed inside.
But that's just small potatoes compared to the whole worldwide network
of basements and "bases" where America beats, starves, manipulates and/or
brainwashes the minds of its Americans until they too submit to our very
own version of the Stockholm syndrome. And when
one is actually trapped inside the bubble of American propaganda, it becomes
increasingly difficult to see any other worldview -- because no other
version is allowed inside.
And as for why we are constantly being barraged by all this
propaganda? What is the end-game of all this constant brainwashing?
Money and power. But mostly money. Our money -- becoming theirs.
PPS: And here's another thing: Americans are some of the most materially resplendent and highly educated people in all of history -- and yet we continually fall prey to brainwashing by everything from Scientology to Fox News. Wall Street and War Street hold us in the palm of their hands. The Republi-Dems frame almost our every thought. Social media alerts us to what is really going on all over the world by eye-witness reports -- just like on "Wisdom of the Crowd".
And yet we are all so easily brainwashed. Why the freak is that?
Stop Wall Street and War Street from destroying our world. And while you're at it, please buy my books.