Friday, September 13, 2024


"Fly me to Kazan and let me play among the BRICS..."

       I'm one of the few people in this world who truly dislikes Frank Sinatra.  "But why would anybody even consider hating Ol' Blue Eyes," you might ask.  Why?  Because he always sounds so self-satisfied and phony.  Because he pretends to be someone he's not.

      And speaking of deep-fakes, let's also discuss the Federal Reserve.  Obama, Trump, Biden and Harris don't have the same problem with phoniness that Frankie had -- they all sound totally sincere when singing love songs to the Federal Reserve.  Yep, we're talking about the very self-same Federal Reserve that is slowly (and deliberately) strangling our economy by inflicting us with its endless-war Ponzi schemes, forcing us into bankruptcy and pouring virtual tsunamis of digital funny-money over our heads until we drown.  
      Even the "Chairman of the Board" probably wouldn't do that -- but then the Federal Reserve didn't own Sinatra's arse like it does America's fearful leaders who have been bought, threatened, bribed and paid off.

     All those counterfeit dollars that The Fed churns out daily are not backed up by actual wealth or commodities and, as a result, every excess deep-fake dollar that it prints makes the dollar in your pocket that much more worthless -- in a direct ratio.  It's called inflation.  Duh.  At least Sinatra didn't rob us all blind with quantitative easing. 

     And yet both Trump and Harris are both big fans of the Federal Reserve -- as were Obama, Clinton and Bush before them.  They beg for its autograph, scream at its concerts and pay big bucks for its scalped tickets.

     But is the new BRICS economic model doing any better?  Time to find out.  This year the BRICS annual summit will be in Kazan, Russia, on October 24.  I wanna be there!  I wanna report back to you!  Anyone got a spare private jet to fly me there?  Anyone know how to help me work through the labyrinth of getting a Russian visa?  Anyone want to help me avoid being dragged off a plane at the last minute by the FBI?

      "Fly me to Kazan..." to paraphrase Sinatra.  Pleeze.  

PS:  Still not sick of Sinatra songs?  For all of you big fans out there, here is a list of some of his biggest hits:
1.  The Fed and its minions are all doing "Something Stupid" to the American economy -- and are planning to make us all just "Strangers in the Night" sooner rather than later.  "That's Life."

2.  "I'll never Smile Again" really has become America's economic theme-song, thanks to the Federal Reserve -- instead of "The Best is Yet to Come." 
3.  Americans need to learn how to be "The Best" at other stuff besides murdering people.  "It's been a Long, Long Time" since America was known for its innovation and industry -- not just for its ability to blow babies' heads off in foreign lands.

4.  Most American "Fools Rush In" with regard to The Fed, sure, but anyone with half a brain already knows that The Fed is doing us wrong.  However, will BRICS give us "Nothing but the Best" instead?  Time to find out.  "Come Fly with Me" to Kazan and I'll report back.

5.  While Sinatra sang to us that it was "My Way" or the highway, most Americans only do what Zelensky and Netanyahu tell them to do.  That's just stupid.  We have already spent over 190 billion dollars on these two bozos and yet they can't even win their own freaking elections -- let alone win their own wars.  

6.  "The World We Knew" is gone -- gone!  If my math is correct, every single man, woman and child in America has already sacrificed over $570 each, handing it over to these sadistic greedy genocidal power-hungry losers instead using it on ourselves -- not to mention the sacrificial trillions that we fist-feed to weapons manufacturers regularly.  I repeat.  "Fools Rush in."
PPS:  B.R.I.C.S?  Brazil, Russia, India and South Africa.  Been to all those places except for Brazil.  Guess it's time to go there too.  Now all I gotta do is win the lottery and finishing recovering from my recent trip to the former Yugoslavia -- because if I'm gonna sail up the freaking Amazon, I should at least be able to walk without a cane, right?   
       If I can't make it to the BRICS summit, at least I can make it to BRICS.  And you can too.  Plus "Brazil don't need no stinkin' visas," to paraphrase Humphrey Bogart.


Scott Ritter gives me visa advice:

     Greg explains the Fed to us fools who rush in to hang on the Fed's every word:

Andy and Eduardo discuss the economy from a working-class perspective:

Caitlin Johnstone reminds us that both Trump and Harris are war-mongering empire sluts:
From a mathematician friend:  In regards to the 190 billion divided by the 333 million, yes that is about $570 dollars, but there are some caveats:

1.  Is the 190 billion the grand total since the beginning of the history of US aid to Israel and Ukraine, or just in the past few years?
2.  The IRS gets only about 168 million tax returns, which is less than the 333 million individuals.  This is lower probably due to dependents, evaders, etc.  This adjusts the amount to over a thousand dollars per person if we only include those who have tax returns.
3.  We also need to think about it as less a matter of "you are individually paying 500 bucks for this," but more so as the American people have pooled their money into this massive pot with hundreds of billions of dollars, and it should be thought of as "$190,000,000 of your money was spent on this".  If it was instead split evenly among the cities of the US, Berkeley would have gotten about $200,000.  Think what that could have been used for just in this community.
4.  U.S military spending also goes beyond Ukraine and Israel.  Last year alone, the US spent almost a TRILLION DOLLARS on the military.  Now that adds up to many thousands of dollars per citizen and even more per taxpayer.  [But has that trillion made us any safer?  Au contraire!]
Stop Wall Street, War Street, Big Pharma and Big Tech from destroying our world.  And while you're at it, please buy my books

Please support my channel and "Buy Me a Coffee".  I'm currently saving up to go off to some currently-out-of-favor country in West Asia.