Friday, September 13, 2024


"Fly me to Kazan and let me play among the BRICS..."

       I'm one of the few people in this world who truly dislikes Frank Sinatra.  "But why would anybody even consider hating Ol' Blue Eyes," you might ask.  Why?  Because he always sounds so self-satisfied and phony.  Because he pretends to be someone he's not.

      And speaking of deep-fakes, let's also discuss the Federal Reserve.  Obama, Trump, Biden and Harris don't have the same problem with phoniness that Frankie has -- they all sound totally sincere when singing love songs to the Federal Reserve.  Yep, we're talking about the very self-same Federal Reserve that is slowly (and deliberately) strangling our economy by inflicting us with its endless-war Ponzi schemes, forcing us into bankruptcy and pouring virtual tsunamis of digital funny-money over our heads until we drown.  
      Even the "Chairman of the Board" probably wouldn't do that -- but then the Federal Reserve didn't own Sinatra's arse like it does America's fearful leaders who have been bought, threatened, bribed and paid off.

     All those counterfeit dollars that The Fed churns out daily are not backed up by actual wealth or commodities and, as a result, every excess deep-fake dollar that it prints makes the dollar in your pocket that much more worthless -- in a direct ratio.  It's called inflation.  Duh.  At least Sinatra didn't rob us all blind with quantitative easing. 

     And yet both Trump and Harris are both big fans of the Federal Reserve -- as were Obama, Clinton and Bush before them.  They beg for its autograph, scream at its concerts and pay big bucks for its scalped tickets.

     But is the new BRICS economic model doing any better?  Time to find out.  This year the BRICS annual summit will be in Kazan, Russia, on October 24.  I wanna be there!  I wanna report back to you!  Anyone got a spare private jet to fly me there?  Anyone know how to help me work through the labyrinth of getting a Russian visa?  Anyone want to help me avoid being dragged off a plane at the last minute by the FBI?

      "Fly me to Kazan..." to paraphrase Sinatra.  Pleeze.  

PS:  Still not sick of Sinatra songs?  For all of you big fans out there, here is a list of some of his biggest hits:
1.  The Fed and its minions are all doing "Something Stupid" to the American economy -- and are planning to make us all just "Strangers in the Night" sooner rather than later.  "That's Life."

2.  "I'll never Smile Again" really has become America's economic theme-song, thanks to the Federal Reserve -- instead of "The Best is Yet to Come." 
3.  Americans need to learn how to be "The Best" at other stuff besides murdering people.  "It's been a Long, Long Time" since America was known for its innovation and industry -- not just for its ability to blow babies' heads off in foreign lands.

4.  Most American "Fools Rush In" with regard to The Fed, sure, but anyone with half a brain already knows that The Fed is doing us wrong.  However, will BRICS give us "Nothing but the Best" instead?  Time to find out.  "Come Fly with Me" to Kazan and I'll report back.

5.  While Sinatra sang to us that it was "My Way" or the highway, most Americans only do what Zelensky and Netanyahu tell them to do.  That's just stupid.  We have already spent over 190 billion dollars on these two bozos and yet they can't even win their own freaking elections -- let alone win their own wars.  

6.  "The World We Knew" is gone -- gone!  If my math is correct, every single man, woman and child in America has already sacrificed over $570 each, handing it over to these sadistic greedy genocidal power-hungry losers instead using it on ourselves -- not to mention the sacrificial trillions that we fist-feed to weapons manufacturers regularly.  I repeat.  "Fools Rush in."
PPS:  B.R.I.C.S?  Brazil, Russia, India and South Africa.  Been to all those places except for Brazil.  Guess it's time to go there too.  Now all I gotta do is win the lottery and finishing recovering from my recent trip to the former Yugoslavia -- because if I'm gonna sail up the freaking Amazon, I should at least be able to walk without a cane, right?   
       If I can't make it to the BRICS summit, at least I can make it to BRICS.  And you can too.  Plus "Brazil don't need no stinkin' visas," to paraphrase Humphrey Bogart.


Scott Ritter gives me visa advice:

     Greg explains the Fed to us fools who rush in to hang on the Fed's every word:

Andy and Eduardo discuss the economy from a working-class perspective:

Caitlin Johnstone reminds us that both Trump and Harris are war-mongering empire sluts:
From a mathematician friend:  In regards to the 190 billion divided by the 333 million, yes that is about $570 dollars, but there are some caveats:

1.  Is the 190 billion the grand total since the beginning of the history of US aid to Israel and Ukraine, or just in the past few years?
2.  The IRS gets only about 168 million tax returns, which is less than the 333 million individuals.  This is lower probably due to dependents, evaders, etc.  This adjusts the amount to over a thousand dollars per person if we only include those who have tax returns.
3.  We also need to think about it as less a matter of "you are individually paying 500 bucks for this," but more so as the American people have pooled their money into this massive pot with hundreds of billions of dollars, and it should be thought of as "$190,000,000 of your money was spent on this".  If it was instead split evenly among the cities of the US, Berkeley would have gotten about $200,000.  Think what that could have been used for just in this community.
4.  U.S military spending also goes beyond Ukraine and Israel.  Last year alone, the US spent almost a TRILLION DOLLARS on the military.  Now that adds up to many thousands of dollars per citizen and even more per taxpayer.  [But has that trillion made us any safer?  Au contraire!]
Stop Wall Street, War Street, Big Pharma and Big Tech from destroying our world.  And while you're at it, please buy my books

Please support my channel and "Buy Me a Coffee".  I'm currently saving up to go off to some currently-out-of-favor country in West Asia. 






Sunday, September 08, 2024

Live from Munich: Now might be a good time to think about death


Live from Munich: Now might be a good time to think about death

     It's time to get serious here.  No more joking around.

     Over 570,000 soldiers have died in Ukra$ne in the past 928 days.  That's a whole lot of dead people.  Yet even despite this unbelievable horror, anyone with a brain can see that America's ghoulish and blood-thirsty leaders are still falling all over themselves to make even bigger death threats and create even more carnage. 

     Biden, Trump, Harris, Zelensky and all kinds of members of Congress are currently chit-chatting among themselves regarding who can be more aggressive and more deadly than whom in Ukra$ne -- and who can escalate fastest.  
     Not only that but much more death from even more endless war is lurking on the horizon in eastern Europe these days.  Millions?  Hundreds of millions?  Paris, Berlin, London, Warsaw?  What does that even mean?  A lot of caskets are gonna get sold.

     And of course genocide is still running rampant in Gaza and the West Bank.  For the past 340 days, we have watched this live-stream butchery in horror as thousands of women and children go up in smoke before our very eyes.  And even the most sadistic blood-thirsty Zionist soldiers stationed in Gaza are also dying like flies there -- and Netanyahu also values their lives as if they were flies.  His flies.  
      But what will Bibi do after he depletes those local goon-squad guys?  Not to worry.  He's already started to import even more sadistic blood-thirsty soldiers from all over the globe, carefully chosen from the scum of the earth -- and thus the murder of Palestinian babies can continue without pause.

     And now let's continue our road trip through the streets and byways of possible Deaths on the horizon.  Eminent nuclear annihilation is also a distinct possibility -- for all eight billion of us. 

     And Americans also face the real danger of all this endless warfare leaping across its current boundaries and expanding from Europe, the Middle East and Asia to hand-to-hand combat in all those cute little neighborhood parks next door to Main Street -- next door to you and me.  The Grim Reaper's job description may have even more padding in his resumé soon.

      Oops, I forgot to mention that 17 million people have also died as a direct result of the COV$D vaccine -- and even more have "died suddenly" from "causes unknown" since they mandated the vaxx.

     And speaking of dying, it also really pisses me off that everyone here in America now favors the term "passing on" as the socially-acceptable euphemism for kicking the bucket.  No one in America just flat-out "dies" these days.  Hell, no one in America even thinks about dying these days (or even passing on).  They're too concerned with buying the latest model SmartPhone, Tesla or Barbie.

      But I gotta admit that Americans are not really terrified of Death per se.  They are merely terrified of being terrified of Death.  Go figure.  It's embarrassing how easily they can be scared out of their wits by even the mildest propaganda suggestion that dying (or passing on) might be a possibility.  "The Russians are coming!  Monkey Pox is after us!  Genocide is a good thing!"  Bull shite. 

     So.  Why are all our leaders so fascinated with bringing us endless war and endless horror, episode after episode, season after season?  What exactly is the root cause of all this bottomless lust after Death, our death?  Did our esteemed leaders all have unhappy childhoods?  No.  
     You and I are now fatally trapped in our leaders' horrific tailspin of legalized murder and Freddy-Krueger-style behavior for a very clear reason -- that the Federal Reserve's latest funny-money Ponzi scheme only works if America's weapons manufacturers are happy -- and boy are they happy right now!  

      All those weapons we left behind in Afghanistan?  They will need to be replaced.  All those NATO weapon-supply dumps in Ukra$ne that the Russians just blew up?  They will need to be replaced.  All those mega-tons of bombs dropped on helpless babies in Gaza?  They will need to be replaced too.  At least somebody is happy about all this death.  

     Clearly it is not me.

     And here I am in Munich, Germany, home of Hitler's very first death camp.  No wonder death weighs heavily on my mind.  Death -- and also being trapped at the Munich airport for eight hours because my ride didn't show up, Uber doesn't go out to MUC past 8:00 pm and I had no idea how to navigate Munich's complex subway system while toting a whole bunch of luggage at midnight.

PS:  What can we do to reduce all this brutal carnage before we ourselves also fall victim to our very own happy-but-hungry weapons machines?  Easy-peazy.  Everybody needs to take a freaking chill pill.  Make friends with your neighbors.  Don't be greedy.  Stop killing everyone off! 

     And while we're at it, let's stop worrying about death as well.  Everyone dies.  Get over it.  Live accordingly.  Death wins.  Every time.  Stop trying to deny the process.  Enjoy the life that we got now.  "Life is a competition.  The winners are the ones who do the most good deeds."  Go out there and be kind.  And keep away from anyone who profits from war.  They are going to Hell.  Don't let them drag you along with them.  It's time for all of us to start thinking ahead.  
     And I'm also starting to think ahead as well -- about my upcoming12-hour plane ride back home from Munich.  Deadly.


Here's what's really happening in Israel.  Israelis are totally pissed off at Bibi and the IDF is fighting Israelis as well as Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis, Iran, etc.  And notice the awesome police machine that herds protestors, sprays water, etc.  Coming soon to American cities near us!  

Funny video of Hitler trying to make sense of Harris's word salads:

Let's picket the Federal Reserve on July 4, 2025.  The Feds are illegal -- as well as just plain meanMARKETS A LOOK AHEAD: Expect A RAPID AND DEVASTATING SYSTEMIC MELTDOWN. Mannarino

Here's the latest Electronic Intifada report on the brutal carnage in Gaza.  Now the children of Gaza are all getting polio vaccines -- when what they really need is food, clean water and to stop getting blown up.  Duh.  Breaking news and analysis on day 334 of Gaza's Al-Aqsa Flood | The Electronic Intifada Podcast

Max Blumenthal outlines the grim future for Zionists as Israel sinks to the lowest of the low, even more brutal than it is now -- and America becomes nothing more than a pirate nation as well:  Max Blumenthal : Stealing a Jet and Applauding a Psychopath

Danny Haiphong brings us up to date on Ukra$ne, China and elsewhere.  It's the economy, stupid:  BRIAN BERLETIC: PUTIN DROPS BOMBSHELL ON NATO AS UKRAINE'S FRONTLINE COLLAPSES, KURSK BACKFIRES

BRICS is meeting in Kazan in October.  I wanna go!  Will the US State Department send me?  Highly unlikely.  Will you?  The BRICS are expanding

Excess deaths during the COV$D vaccine years:  2024 excess deaths
Photographing the genocide: 
Stop Wall Street, War Street, Big Pharma and Big Tech from destroying our world.  And while you're at it, please buy my books

Please support my channel and "Buy Me a Coffee".  I'm currently saving up to go off to some currently-out-of-favor country in West Asia.