Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Redemption Song: Pondering the imponderables, in Albania, at 3:00 am


Redemption Song: Pondering the imponderables, in Albania, at 3:00 am

     When I travel, I get to meet all kinds of different people and get to like them as well -- even despite all their differences from me.  Of course I'm not the gold standard of what people should always strive toward (kindness, cooperation and the Golden Rule) but at least I try.  Some people don't even try.

     Travel broadens, sure, but what has broadened me most on this trip to Albania so far has been the Bob Marley movie that I watched during that grueling 12-hour flight over here.  "Don't worry" and "Stand up for your right" and "Redemption" sang Bob Marley as he wished and hoped that all we humans can do better and all we humans will do better.

      Now it's 2:00 am here in Tirana, the capital of Albania.  Remember back in the day when Albania was a hermit kingdom dictatorship, allied only with Chairman Mao and North Korea?  It surely ain't like that any more.  Now it's just a rather large European city like any other rather large European city.  What does this even mean?

      Now it's 3:00 am here in Tirana.  Tomorrow I will go out and sight-see stuff from Albania's past -- from the Illyrian times, the Roman times, the medieval Christian times, the Ottoman times and the more current Communist "Hermit Kingdom" times as illustrated by a Cold War bunker that is now a museum.

        Right now, however, Bob Marley is still on my mind -- him, and also all the current military fiascos and blood-thirsty "wars" that America's ghoulish leaders have happily shoved down our throats since as far back as World War I.  And who were the big winners of all those bloody wars?  Certainly not you and me.  Certainly not the human race.  Only bankers and weapons manufacturers have won.  Duh.

      But here in Albania, at 3:00 am, I still just keep thinking and hoping that Bob Marley was right.  "Redemption Song."  Perhaps it's not too late for human beings to finally redeem themselves and stop acting like petulant two-year-olds.

PS:  Here's me, still being an (accidental) war correspondent after all these years.  First the Evil Globalist Bastards staged a failed coup in Bolivia where I had just been, and now they have just staged another failed coup in Serbia, just 50 miles down the road from Tirana.  

     There has also been a recent failed coup in Venezuela (sorry that I missed that one).  But there's a moral here.  Remember Mossadegh, Kim Il Sung, Lumumba and all the various other globalist/neo-con coups and "Color Revolutions" that used to be successful?  But now all their recent coups are failing?  What's with that?  Bob Marley up in heaven must be smiling.

PPS:  The best book ever written about Yugoslavia's 1990s "Color Revolutions" is Diana Johnstone's Fools' Crusade: Yugoslavia, NATO and Western Delusions, wherein she writes about the globalists' decades-long policy of stamping out every single national effort to form governments based on anything but the globalists' favorite "elite/serf" hierarchical model.

     "Get up, stand up, stand up for your right," as our Bob used to say.  Sorry, Evil Globalist Bastards, but the Axis of Resistance is growing.  "One Love" is finally coming our way.


An excellent, measured evaluation of the current situation in Iran:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0w923G8Fe58

Danny Haiphong discusses the myriad ways that US foreign policy is screwed up:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0PL89hepU0

Greg Mannarino sez there's gonna be no Redemption for our economy if the Federal Reserve continues its Ponzi scheme:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0zGGDvz76Ug

And if you need a good cry, there is always the Electronic Intifada, live-streaming genocide:

Stop Wall Street, War Street, Big Pharma and Big Tech from destroying our world.  And while you're at it, please buy my books https://www.amazon.com/stores/Jane-Stillwater/author/B00IW6O1RM?ref=ap_rdr&store_ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true

Please support my channel and "Buy Me a Coffee".  I'm currently saving up to go off to some currently-out-of-favor country in West Asia.  https://www.buymeacoffee.com/janestillwater