Sunday, July 14, 2024

At the movies: My recent adventures in Tinsel Town


At the movies: My recent adventures in Tinsel Town

      About eight years ago I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror -- and was horrified.  "Old!"  I cried.  "I'm actually getting old!  How can one possibly deal with getting old?"  Act in the movies?  I could be the next Bette Davis in What Ever happened to Baby Jane?  Sure.

      Luckily for me, there are at least 15 film schools in the San Francisco Bay Area and so it was easy to receive lots of on-the-job training by acting in student films.  However.  "Student Film" is also the movie industry's secret code for "You are not gonna get paid for this gig."  So.  After being in over 200 student films, it was clearly time to move on and so I joined SAG-AFTRA, the actors' union -- where actors actually get paid for their work.  Wow.  Now I'm gonna have fun at the movies and get paid for it too! 

     Or am I?

     Immediately after I became unionized, that stupid lock-down was forced down our throats.  And then there was the screenwriters' strike.  And then the actors' strike.  I was screwed.  No jobs.  No dreams of Hollywood stardom, right?  Nothing.

     But now, even after all that strike and lock-down drama is over, there still aren't all that many movie jobs on offer around here.  Apparently, Hollywood isn't Hollywood all that much any more.  And there are almost no films being shot locally in San Francisco either.  Films are now being shot in Canada, Spain, Eastern Europe and even south of the border -- any border.  I recently ran into an American film crew on the streets of freaking Budapest.

Sidebar:  Don't even get me started on how all those greedy fat-cat Evil Globalist Bastards are now busy as little bees, trying their best to sacrifice our once-thriving American economy in favor of genocide and endless war in Ukra$ne, Gaza, Syria, Yemen, Lebanon and Taiwan in order to keep weapons manufacturers and "Citizens United" donors (extremely) happy -- while the rest of us are starving, eating bugs, living in 15-minute cities and tents and working shite jobs while our elite leaders clearly demonstrate their utter and total lack of morality for all the world to see.  But I digress.

     So.  When the call came for me to be a background actor in Hollywood recently, boy howdy, I was on it!  Only there was a huge logistical problem.  The job was in Los Angeles and I was in Berkeley.  Hey, you gotta sacrifice for show biz, right?

      "Break a leg!" I cried and then jumped on an airplane in Oakland, snuck onto an AMTRAK train from the Burbank airport to Union Station, tracked down a bus traveling from Union Station to LAX airport, spent the night hiding from security guards at LAX, somehow got to set around 4:00 am, acted my little heart out, hitched a ride back to LAX, caught the last plane to SFO at midnight, took the #292 bus (along with a handful of drugged-out junkies) up to San Francisco, caught the #800 bus to Berkeley and was home again by 3:45 am the next morning.

      And the whole trip only cost me $120 more than I got paid.  Hey, it's a gig economy now.  You do what you can to survive -- and to have fun.

PS:  If things start to get too dangerous in ZionLand after Netanyahu declares war on most of his neighbors and then missiles start to fall on all those military bases near Haifa and Tel Aviv, then more and more Israelis are gonna start leaving -- at an even faster rate than they are now.  
     Might I suggest that Bibi the Butcher needs to take this fact into consideration as he continues to pour over all his evil war-mongering plans to attack Lebanon, Iran, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Egypt, etc. -- that, as a result of all those Israelis desperately fleeing, the Jewish State will finally end up with almost no Jews left there at all. 

     But where are they going to flee to?

     "Don't go to Tinsel Town," I must warn all these new Israeli refugees.  "There aren't all that many jobs left here any more."


Taiwan is being geared up to be America's next Ukra$ne:  The U.S. Military just Crossed China’s RED LINE and Taiwan is Finished

Here's the latest Grayzone for ya:  Who knows where the time goes? - The Grayzone live

"Everything's up to date in Kansas City" (as the song from Oklahoma reminds us) regarding the COV$D farce.  I particularly liked (or detested)  #10, wherein our military, conceived to defend us, put us all in harm's way instead:  The Devastating Charge Sheet Against Pfizer – The Daily Sceptic

This is how our government proudly supports genocide:  9,000 arrests in nine months call for CEASEFIRE NOW! « The Nuclear Resister

And people go along with this slaughter?  Human beings have turned into MONSTERS:  The Lancet study estimates death toll in Gaza 186,000 or even more

Aaron and Daniel Maté discuss interesting stuff:  Aaron and Daniel Maté Find Out If Biden Will Run

According to Scott Ritter, the zionists are in deep dog dookie as Jews leave the Promised Land in droves:  Scott Ritter: Russia just Scored a MAJOR BLOW to NATO and Ukraine is Doomed

Dima at the Military Summary channel gives us a blow-by-blow description of the Trump assassination attempt:

But here is the best description so far of what happened at the Trump rally:
Stop Wall Street, War Street, Big Pharma and Big Tech from destroying our world.  And while you're at it, please buy my books

Please support my channel.  I'm currently saving up to go off to some currently-out-of-favor country in West Asia.