Saturday, September 16, 2023

Putin wasn't invited to San Francisco's Asia-Pacific talks? I'll invite him!


Putin wasn't invited to San Francisco's Asia-Pacific talks? I'll invite him!

     Every single leader from every single country bordering the Pacific Rim has been invited to a huge party bash in San Francisco on November 12 -- every single leader except Vladimir Putin.  He's definitely not allowed to sit at the popular kids' table any more.  Why?  Because he's winning that bloody proxy war in Ukra$ne -- and Biden is afraid that Hunter might get all pissy if Putin shows up driving a new Leopard tank.

     "All I wanted was to be an equal trading partner with America," said Putin, "and get asked to prom -- but instead all that Biden has brought to the [cafeteria] table is this stupid Ukra$ne war." 

     Poor Biden.  He used to think he was the most popular kid on the block -- until he got his butt kicked by Putin.  And now America's prez has a humongous black eye.  Even I would be more popular behind the Resolute Desk right now than Biden.

     Poor Biden.  Poor Putin.  Both of them are victims of high school popularity contests.  I feel so bad for them both.  But I have a solution!  During the Asia-Pacific economic conference in November, Biden can camp out on Air Force One -- and Putin can stay at my place!

     I got room for him.

     And then me and Vladimir can both hop onto the BART train to APEC-23.  It's only for Asia-Pacific countries but Vladivostok is on the Pacific Rim too.  Hell, Sarah Palin can see Russia from out of her kitchen window!

      This APEC event will take place at the Moscone Center in downtown San Francisco.  That's only a BART ride away from my apartment in Berkeley -- Berkeley!  Where they used to value free speech, divergence of opinion and even factual debate!  Putin would have fit right in here back in the day.  But unfortunately Biden wouldn't.  Sorry about that, Joe. 

PS:  What about the 2024 presidential elections?  It looks like Trump will be running from his jail cell -- and Biden will be running from a padded cell.  

     RFK-2 used to be a front-runner for most popular kid on the block -- until he apparently started taking money from one of the more sleazier Zionist factions.  That's a no-no these days.  Even Israelis and Jews are getting tired of watching Zionists butcher Palestinians for fun and profit.  "Get your lunch money elsewhere, Bobby!"  Or else no one's gonna like you no more except for old-school bullies like Netanyahu.

PPS:  Wait, What?  Kim Jung Un hasn't been invited either?  Even though North Korea, not Taiwan, is basically the Silicon Valley of Asia -- and hangs out on the Pacific Rim as well?  I can invite Kim Jung Un here too -- but unfortunately he'll have to sleep on the couch.  Sorry, it's the best I can do.

PPPS:  A friend of mine just said, "America, Russia, China and the European Union are all fictions -- fronts for different groups of global elites.  They have their rivalries, but ultimately they are all working together to implement 4IR, regardless of whether you believe it or not."  Oh no! 
All these big guys are now all secretly playing Buddy Games?  Now I gots to invite Biden, Xi and the head of the European Union to stay with me too?

     Next thing you know, I'll end up having pity on poor sweet Klaus Schwab and have him sleep on my couch as well.  Gross.


APEC leaders' meeting in San Francisco?  I wanna go!  APEC LEADERS' MEETING 2023—SAN FRANCISCO HOST CITY

The Duran discusses America's failure to achieve any of its hegemonic goals, especially in Ukra$ne and North Korea:
Today is Day 571 of this bloody, costly and wasteful war in Ukra$ne.  Who benefits?  Blinkin, Nuland and Biden.  Who loses?  Ukrainians.

Putin is also involved with some quantum computer thingie that the Evil Globalist Bastards are fond of too:

And neo-colonialism is alive and well in Africa today.  Here's info that will help you shine if anyone ever asks you "What's up in Africa?"

And our first four Constitution amendments are now toast (again).  Can't believe that Democrats used to be actual Democrats and not the new global elites:

Everything you ever wanted to know about North Korea:


Stop Wall Street, War Street, Big Pharma and Big Tech from destroying our world.  And while you're at it, please buy my books

And here's my latest book too -- A Tale of 22 Cities:  Traveling Across America During the Great Lock-Down

I'm also trying to raise funds for my next research project -- in Bolivia!  Here's a link to my GiveSendGo account.  Please donate even just five dollars?  This is important.  Don't make me beg!