Monday, January 09, 2023

If reincarnation is actually a thing, where would YOU want to get reborn?


If reincarnation is actually a thing, where would YOU want to get reborn?

     About a month ago I got sick as a dog, became totally convinced I was dying and desperately began asking myself, "What if reincarnation is actually a real thing?  What if all those Hindus and Buddhists got it right...." 
    So there I was, on a hospital gurney, eyeballs rolled up in my head -- and happily contemplating where I would like to be reborn next.  "Either in Bhutan or as a member of some hunter-gatherer tribe deep in the Amazon jungle."  Couldn't decide which.  Either one would do -- as long as none of those Evil Globalist Bastards in Davos could reach me and I couldn't be forcibly controlled by their vaccine passports, debt-slave economies, social credit scores, nuclear weapons, surveillance schemes and digital wallets.

     And this rhetorical question soon became my hot new small-talk ice-breaker topic at all those holiday parties thrown at the end 2022.  And I got some rather interesting answers.  Most people chose to be reborn as humans.  One young man emphatically announced, "I want to be reborn as a wolf in Canada."  One woman would love to be reborn as a butterfly (except she'd need to avoid Monsanto products if she expected to live more than an hour).

     Someone else immediately picked Sedona, Arizona.  "Not because of all the rich people there but because it seems to be some sort of energy portal."  She'd obviously thought this one through.  
     Another person wanted to be reborn as a doctor, a healer or any other kind of person who helps others.  She didn't care where that would be.  I was impressed.

     One homesick British ex-pat lady only wanted to be reborn back in her beloved English countryside -- the Cotswolds to be exact.  Who could blame her.  And someone else wanted to be reborn into the British royal family.  "Nothing bad ever happens to them...."  Not if you're King Charles the Eugenicist of course -- but that slot's already been taken.  
     Someone else wanted to actually get reborn inside the Evil Empire.  "That's crazy talk," I told her.  Nope, she had a plan -- wanted to be in a position to change Evil from within.  Turn it toward the light instead of acting like Darth Vader?  Perhaps be reborn as a Silicon Valley mogul, president of China, head of NATO, commander-in-chief of America or Russia, any member at all of the G20 or as a replacement for Fauci?

     Sadly, I'm pretty sure that the last ten (10) presidents of the United States will be reborn as cockroaches because of all the fellow human beings they have murdered.  And why would anybody in their right mind ever voluntarily vote for either Trump or Biden ever again?  They've both sold us out bigtime.  Wouldn't put either one of them in charge of even a Girl Scout troop let alone a large nation.  And don't even get me started on Dr. Fasci's funding of China's bioweapon research -- or the Davos Boyz' current evil plot to take over the world.

      Where would YOU like to be reborn?

PS:  Screw reincarnation!  How about that we just work harder with the cards already dealt us in this current lifetime.  It's never too late to start doing good deeds right here.  Right now.  

     As one wise elder once told me, "Hold on to living your current life now, for as long as you possibly can, no matter how difficult that life may be.  As long as you are still living, then there is always a chance that you can still do just even one more good deed."  And we all know (or should know) that life is a competition and the winners are the ones who do the most good deeds.

     Not only that, but I'm not really ready to die right now.  Gotta stick around and find out which side is gonna win the human race's humongous battle between good and evil.  Will it be the Evil Globalist Bastards as they continue to grab control our economic and military systems and shove us all into high-rise concentration camps easily controlled by just one single robot with an Uzi stationed in the lobby? 

       Or will decent folks everywhere finally start singing Kumbayah, form themselves into local hunter-gatherer tribes and triumph over evil once there is no electricity left to power up our FascBook "fact checkers" or brainwash us on the nightly news?  Or will Good and Evil simply be replaced by mass human mediocrity and/or faceless high-tech machines?   

      I'm dying to find out!


Allison McDowell poses a very good argument that we all will (involuntarily) be reborn as robots -- before we even have a chance to die:

There's been a 30% increase in demand for funerals in Norway:  Funeral homes sounding the alarm – Massive increase in deaths

Fear of war, fear of variants, fear, fear, fear.  Time to man up, America! MARKETS A LOOK AHEAD: New "EFFECTIVE" Variant." More FEAR! More Control! More Propaganda.. Mannarino

And if Big Pharma doesn't kill us off, the Federal Re$erve will:  UNSTABLE: The Debt Market TIME BOMB Is Again Ticking Louder And Faster. Mannarino

Where can you possibly get reborn that won't be under the thumb of Big Pharma?  Bill Gates Global Takeover Is Official

And that creep Louis DeJoy is still screwing up our postal system:

A Google exec just wrote a book called Scary Smart, about how robots will take over the world -- and how it's all up to you and me to program them to play nice.  Go to the second half of this video.  The first half is only about how to be happy:  The Happiness Expert That Made 51 Million People Happier: Mo Gawdat | E101
       Stop Wall Street, War Street, Big Pharma and Big Tech from destroying our world.  And while you're at it, please buy my books