Saturday, October 22, 2022

Horse de-wormer: Why Ivermectin will save the day


Horse de-wormer: Why Ivermectin will save the day

     Here's just one example of a medical scenario that is becoming more and more common in America today: 

     You've developed a long list of horrible symptoms.  Your body shakes constantly, you've got a splitting headache, your whole left side is paralyzed, your heart hurts and you can't even remember your name.  You call your doctor on Zoom.  You tell him, "I think that I might be vaccine-injured." 

      Your doctor just shakes his head and begins patiently schooling you.  "There's no such thing as a vaccine injury.  It's all in your mind.  Take anti-depressants, breathe deeply before bedtime, read up on mental illness and call me in the morning.  Good talk."

     Wait, what?  Your whole body is shaking, you can't barely walk, you just had a stroke and myocarditis is looming large in your future?  Yet your doc has just basically said you are cray-cray?  Pretty much.

     And here's another common medical scenario these days:

     You go to your doctor with symptoms of unusual lethargy, memory loss, neurological problems and a cough that just won't go away.  Your doctor has no clue regarding what ails you so he takes the easy way out and issues that dread diagnosis, "You have Long COV$D".  What does that even mean?

       But not to worry. 

      Exciting new discoveries have just been made regarding both of these miserable scenarios -- and Rachel Maddow herself has made them!  "Ivermectin is a horse de-wormer," she tells us.  And, fortunately for you, a horse de-wormer is actually just what you need right now -- only in human-sized doses of course.


     Because Ivermectin won a Nobel Prize for being the world's best anti-parasitic.  And that dread spike protein, that nasty culprit that causes both vaccine injuries and Long COV$D, is actually a parasite.  You take the horse de-wormer.  You recover.  End of story.  Yay!

     If you have any of the above debilitating symptoms, just follow Rachael Maddow's excellent advice, make a run on a pharmacy in Tijuana or Tennessee, buy some Ivermectin, ignore Big Pharma and get on with your life.  You actually can find relief from your troubles and pain.

     According to Dr. Pierre Kory, "Ivermectin binds to the spike protein and then eliminates it from the body."  Who would not want that to happen!  Besides Big Pharma of course. 

     Ivermectin is here to help us.  Big Pharma is not. 

     "But Jane," you might say, "isn't this all just a conspiracy theory and not scientific?  Is the spike protein even actually a parasite?"  Well.  There's only one way to find out -- go ahead and actually label this idea a conspiracy theory.  Please.  Labeling something a conspiracy theory actually is the scientific approach.  
     First you start out with a theory -- and then you prove or disprove it.  You don't just shut up about it and end all debate.  That would be fascism and not science, right?

PS:  Perhaps I can't prove scientifically that spike proteins are causing both the COV$D harm and sudden huge increases in "all cause" deaths -- not to mention the huge numbers of rampant serious injuries in jabbed folks right now (approximately one in every 800 to be exact).  But if it's not the spike protein that is causing all these injuries and deaths, then what is?

      I would suggest that yet another conspiracy theory is causing these excess deaths -- eugenics!  Feel like being scientific again?  Good.  Let's look closer at the rule of cause and effect.  Let's put on our white laboratory coats for a moment here, and examine the following list of basic de-population trends world-wide right now:

     1.  Regarding COV$D?  Useless and draconian 950-day lock-downs, systematic denial of early treatment, deliberate suppression of proven beneficial treatments and/or the mis-use of ventilators and Remdesivir have killed a whole bunch of people off;     
2.  The Jab has also killed off a whole bunch of people -- over 31,200 people so far according to the CDC (which always grossly under-reports stuff like this);

     3.  War.  War in Ukraine, Iraq, Palestine, Afghanistan, Yemen, Libya.  Even nuclear war.  That would kill off a whole bunch of people -- except for those who have bunkers....  And that of course leaves out you and me;

     4.  Supply-chain disruption and food shortages.  Good grief.  They actually expect me to go hungry?  No way!  And what about geo-engineering?  Hurricanes, tornadoes, droughts, wildfires and such.  Gotta count them in too;

     5.  The pressure now being put on a whole bunch of people to become trans-gender.  I personally love gays and lesbians myself, but you gotta admit that after undergoing a sex-change operation, not only are you totally dependent Big Pharma for the rest of your life but you can no longer reproduce;

     6.  It's the economy, stupid!  Ya think that spiraling inflation isn't life-threatening?  Dream on.  "And you can't solve the debt crisis by driving us further into debt," sez Greg Mannarino.  Damn that Federal Re$erve;

     7.  And then there's 5G.  We might as well stick our head in a microwave oven and get it over with.  5G acts much slower but eventually the results are similar -- if it doesn't give you cancer or make you infertile first;

     8.  "Better dying through chemistry".  Glyphosate, Round-up, Agent Orange, whatever you call it.  A whole bunch of people have been killed off.
     9.  I forget what all else -- but don't ever tell me that you haven't been warned.

     If those Evil Globalist Bastards in Davos and their buddies Bill Gates, Dr. Bidenstein's monster, the Orange-Haired Man, Anthony Fasci and King Charles the Eugenicist have their way, the rest of us are doomed.  Not them.  Us.  Is that scientific enough for you? 

      Bet they end up giving me a Nobel Prize!


According to Scott Ritter, starting a nuclear war will not help us recover from Long COV$D either:

Used to be that the Repugs were the Party of Chaos.  Now it's the Dim's turn to hold that title.  Either way, us mere peons are screwed:

Greg Mannarino gives us a coherent seminar on how and why the Federal Reserve has us in their cross-hairs:

FLCCC offers all kinds of suggestions on how to recover from Long COV$D:

And FLCCC also has recommendations for treating injuries from The Jab:

Yep, most Americans have been gaslighted big-time in the past 949 days:

What are the Russians actually THINKING?!?  Find out here:

Katherine Austin Fitts says that "it's a global government re-engineering" that those Evil Globalist Bastards are planning for us.  She should know.

       Stop Wall Street, War Street, Big Pharma and Big Tech from destroying our world.  And while you're at it, please buy my books