Friday, February 04, 2022

War correspondent: Keeping eyes on the Middle East -- and America too


     "Keep up, Jane," you might be thinking right now.  "The real threat of war is coming from Ukraine, not the Middle East."  That's not true.  Hey, I'm a war correspondent.  Surely I should know a "war" when I see one.  And what is the main difference between victory and defeat in any war?  Courage. 

     Let's review:
     Palestinians are still fighting back against being brutally oppressed -- and they've been courageously fighting back against this brutal oppression for the past 75 years, longer than most Americans have even been alive.

     It took GWB's "Coalition of the Willing" almost a decade to subdue Iraq.  Even so, that mission was never accomplished.  Not really.  I know.  I was there.

     Now let's talk about Afghanistan, the graveyard of empires.  You gotta hate the Taliban -- but at least they fought back.

     Iran?  Lebanon?  Syria?  These countries don't take no shite.  I've been there too, met Hezbollah fighters, even met President Assad himself.  Been all over Iran.  These are people who fight back.  They protect their families.  They protect their homes.  They protect their countries, their cultures, their children.

     I've spent years trying to get into Yemen, another country made of brave people who fight back against insanely incredible odds.  "Give me liberty or give me death!"

     And then there's America.  Yep, now I'm a war correspondent here too.  What a joke.  Big Tech, Big Pharma and their Evil Globalist Bastard allies have already won their sleazy war on America -- without even firing a shot.  "Move along, there's nothing to report here."  
     Americans have voluntarily been cowering timidly in lock-down and shutting down their businesses and inoculating their children with experimental drugs for almost two years now while Dr. Fasci happily toys with our lives and Bill Gates plots our de-population like they were Lyutsifer Safin and his mad scientist cohort in No Time to Die

     You gotta give people in the Middle East snaps for fighting back against wave after wave of invasion.  But Americans?  We'd rather give it up to Big Tech and Big Pharma than possibly risk even the thought of missing our cat videos, mussing our fade or breaking a nail.

     Being a war correspondent in America is freaking hard work.  Who wants to cover a debacle, a rout?  Not me.  I don't even get to wear my flak jacket.


Stop Wall Street, War Street, Big Pharma and Big Tech from destroying our world.   And while you're at it, please buy my books.