Monday, January 10, 2022

My South Africa diary: AIDS & COV$D & how Big Pharma scores Bigtime in Africa


    This morning I was tidying up my apartment and stumbled across an old dog-eared journal that I'd written back when I was in the Peace Corps in South Africa in 2007.  Here's a quote: 

     "How can you tell if someone has AIDS," I asked a friend in Motswedi, the village where I was stationed. 

     "Their flesh wastes away," she answered.  "Look for sunken-in faces -- and also their bottoms disappear."  So now I'm all getting myself in trouble here in the village these days by staring at men's butts on the street....

     Back when I was living in Motswedi, many of the grandmothers in my village were raising orphan children whose parents had died of AIDS.

     How tragic.

     What a lie.

     Imagine my horror and rage when I just recently discovered that not one of those sad sons and daughters had actually died of AIDS.  AIDS never even made it to Africa.  According to Robert F. Kennedy Jr's new best-seller, The Real Anthony Fauci, what murdered all those mothers and fathers in Africa was AIDS medication.  Don't believe me?  Read the damn book.  Chapter 8.  "Dr. Fauci's African Atrocities".  With 59 well-documented footnotes for that chapter alone.  RFK Jr got it right. 

     It wasn't AIDS that sunk-in those sad African faces and sagged up their sad African butts.  It was lethal does of harsh chemical drugs like AZT and Nevirapine, same as what we saw portrayed in The Dallas Buyers Club.

     My blood is boiling. 

     So many thousands of African orphans consciously and deliberately created by Big Pharma -- for fun and profit.  All those "humanitarian" villains should be forced to take their own poison medicine -- and then have their own grandmothers raise their own orphan kids.

     And now these very same Big Pharma giants are trying to make orphans out of our American children too.  Why didn't anyone stop them back then?  And why doesn't anyone stop them now?


Our hospitals and school boards are being bribed to keep us and our kids masked up and shot up.  Can you think of much better uses for that money?

Here are some tales from my 2007 South Africa adventure:

Where's the beef: How I almost ate a whole cow...and am now at the dentist

Up the Bucs: Visiting South Africa's Soweto -- the southwest townships, then & now

Africa: The world's largest refugee camp -- with a little help from the G-20...

Lucas Mangope: One of South Africa's living legends

My Pet Goat: Please help me organize national "Every Baby Gets a Bedtime Story" week!

Alcoholism in Africa: You know it's a problem here when even I start looking good!

Death where is thy sting: Funerals in an African village

Farewell to Africa, good morning Iraq!

Stop Wall Street, War Street, Big Pharma and Big Tech from destroying our world.   And while you're at it, please buy my books.