How ironic! Americans get stuck with lock-downs, face masks, bankruptcy, major suicide upticks and death by untreated heart disease and cancer -- while sanctions on Iran, Syria and Palestine just cause these countries to develop natural herd immunity and to also protect them from dangerous Pfizer and Moderna side-effects. And how, exactly, is this a big win for NATO?
And the heroic saga of Sweden continues as they too develop natural herd immunity. "Dontcha just wish we were safe like them!" -- to paraphrase the Pussycat Dolls. Mortality rate among Sweden’s over-80 population:
Sweden's elderly in 2020 recorded one of the lowest mortality rates in history. Overall mortality rates in Sweden by age were excellent in 2020 and better than the 2015-2018 average mortality rates for nearly all age groups.
Weaponized medicine:
Stop Wall Street and War Street (and Big Pharma) from destroying our world. And while you're at it, please buy my books.