American democracy: We also vote with our feet
According to Gayle Greene in her excellent book Insomniac, sleep is very important. According to me, I do my very best thinking in my sleep. So
when I went over to the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco recently to
hear a lecture by Peter Dale Scott, I couldn't really understand what he
was talking about -- until I slept on it.
Scott said that American history has been composed largely of various
social movements. Even the American Revolution was more of a social
movement than a war. "For another example, when the majority of Americans
finally got fed up with all that wealth disparity during the Gilded Age,
they initiated the graduated income tax back in 1909."
This tax was originally designed to cut wealthy Robber Barons down to
size -- except that now it has become graduated in the opposite
direction. You and I pay more. Billionaires pay less.
And after a good night's sleep last night, another idea just dawned on
me with regard to current social movements here in America. Let's take a
look at our current voting system for instance. What do you think
about that? America's wealthy elite have hacked our voting machines,
smothered us with commercials paid for by Citizens United, gerrymandered
us like pretzels, bought off Congress, stacked the Supreme Court, put a
yes-man in the White House and even physically crossed a whole bunch of
us off the voters' rolls.
And yet.
Even despite all these vote-suppression tactics, we Americans still arise
from the ground up to vote with our feet. We march. We sign
petitions. We boycott. We picket. We strike. We turn to alternative news sources. We even sometimes begin
to think for ourselves. Yikes!
And another social movement that is developing here in America is a new
anti-war surge. Our leaders in DC are constantly telling us, "You know you want it. America's
war on Iran is gonna be even better than Christmas morning!" No, it's
not. We Americans are finally becoming sick and tired of having our
money spent on oil-baron piracy in the Middle East and our kids coming
home in a box. And so an anti-war social movement is gradually building
up again too.
According to Scott, however, the biggest American social movement of
all is about to happen and is now in the works. Consensus is about to
be reached here -- no matter what the pundits tell us or Washington
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