Your vaccine preservatives: The gifts that never stop giving
Wait, what? Pharmaceutical companies now have vaccine commercials running on our TVs -- right next to all those other phony drug propaganda campaigns? "Ask your doctor if this vaccine is right for your child...." Except now there's another weird twist to their game.
At the end of all those other drug commercials that we are
forced to watch, there comes a point where some trust-worthy-sounding
voice-over guy is spozed to tell us what the side-effects are. You know
what I'm talking about, right? And yet what actually follows in Big
Pharma's new vaccine commercials is just dead airtime. Total silence.
What? No side effects are even mentioned? No side-effects even exist? Nothing could ever possibly go wrong? Really? Not even an "Ouch" from your baby? How can that possibly be?
It's because our very own CDC has actually passed a law telling us that
vaccines never have to list their side-effects. Never. Huh?
So many horrible and deadly diseases have been prevented due to the
wonderful invention of vaccines. If they had been around at the time of
Columbus, for instance, approximately 20 million "New World" natives
wouldn't have died painfully from small pox.
And just imagine how different medieval Europe would have been if GlaxoSmithKline, Merck or Pfizer had just come up with a vaccine against Black Plague back in the day.
And the reason that I myself haven't spent most of my life vegetating
in some gross Iron Lung or limping around with a withered arm or
shrunken leg is because someone invented a polio vaccine.
However, my own polio vaccine was administered orally. And my small pox
vaccine was administered topically. But that was old-school For most
vaccines nowadays you get shots -- shots that go directly into your
bloodstream. 72 different doses of injected vaccines are currently
required for our babies and little kids alone. 72 doses going directly
into their cute little bloodstreams, each one swimming in a preservative
usually consisting of aluminum, formaldehyde and one of the main
ingredients in "Round Up".
That's gotta hurt.
But, wait. That's not even anywhere near the end of us getting shot up. There's even more shots to come! Now the pharmaceutical industry informs us that we also gotta have
a measles booster every five years and a flu shot every winter for the
rest of our lives.
None of that bothers me however. I've already been given the polio vaccine and the
small pox vaccine. And I've already actually had the mumps, chicken pox
and measles. I don't need flu shots because I never get the flu.
I'm good. I never have to be injected with sleazy vaccine fillers and
preservatives for the rest of my life. The pharmaceutical industry
hates people like me. We are not their gift that keeps on giving.
But our children and grandchildren are.
And apparently Americans can live with that.
But suppose -- just suppose -- that those gross fillers and
preservatives in vaccines do cause autism, altzheimers, eczema, multiple sclerosis, androgyny, Parkinson's, ADHD, increased auto-immune
diseases, the sudden and weird increase in "childhood cancer" and a
whole list of other health issues that have cropped up so heavily since
1989, the year that Congress allowed vaccine manufacturers to become
far less regulated and leashed. Shouldn't we be just a little bit upset that no research is being done on possible side effects? That we just take Big Pharma at its word? Seriously?
Everyone gets their knickers all in a twist because certain breakfast cereals may contain a Round-Up ingredient -- yet no one seems to care when we pump this same dangerous ingredient into our babies' bloodstreams? What's up with that?
Everyone gets their knickers all in a twist because certain breakfast cereals may contain a Round-Up ingredient -- yet no one seems to care when we pump this same dangerous ingredient into our babies' bloodstreams? What's up with that?
But even if Congress actually did force Big Pharma to finally
allow science to actually do any research on the side-effects of
vaccines' preservatives -- and even if this research did
prove that Round-Up, aluminum and formaldehyde actually did have
side-effects when shot directly into the human bloodstream, none of this
research would effect me. I'm safe. Your babies aren't safe. You
yourself aren't safe. But I am. I'll never be required to get another
shot. Or be guilt-tripped, shamed or brainwashed into getting any more
shots either.
Vaccine fillers and preservatives are truly the gifts that keep on giving -- to Big Pharma only, over 60 billion dollars in profits recently. But all we get are...shot.
Shouldn't we be doing something about this disaster? If nothing else,
for instance, let's demand that pharmaceutical companies invent vaccines
we can swallow instead of getting shot with. Chocolate flavored
vaccines? Sure, why not.
Let's suppose, just suppose for one minute, that the rapid increases in
all these miserable diseases that currently effect us actually are the result of all those yucky
fillers and preservatives gleefully administered to you in a constant
life-long parade of vaccine shots? Drug companies would be (and are)
totally delighted with that situation too. Now almost every single
red-blooded American in this great land will now constantly require ADHD
medications, eczema creams, Alzheimer pills, heart medications and on
and on and on. Endlessly. Drug profits through the roof! Better run
out and buy stock.
I actually have done some of my own personal (sort of) scientific research on
this subject. For instance, one of my daughters received the MMR vaccine and
immediately developed eczema -- which she still has to this day, 30
years later. Yuck.
Further personal research: I also gotta confess that I actually did get vaccinated a few more times -- with disastrous results. When I went into the Peace Corps back in 2009, they forced me to get a whole bunch of shots. "Either that or you go home." Oh. Okay. Just like all those thousands of American soldiers who were forced to get all kinds of shots during Bush Senior's dirty little Gulf "war" -- and who later got all kinds of horrible life-long reactions as a result.
Further personal research: I also gotta confess that I actually did get vaccinated a few more times -- with disastrous results. When I went into the Peace Corps back in 2009, they forced me to get a whole bunch of shots. "Either that or you go home." Oh. Okay. Just like all those thousands of American soldiers who were forced to get all kinds of shots during Bush Senior's dirty little Gulf "war" -- and who later got all kinds of horrible life-long reactions as a result.
The good news? Thanks to the Peace Corps I am now theoretically
protected from catching rabies, hepatitis A and B, meningitis,
diphtheria and tetanus -- plus I also shot up with vaccines for measles, mumps, rubella and
polio (which I'd already had) for good measure. The bad news? I
passed out cold after each shot -- and then became so disoriented over
the next few months that they had to ship me back home anyway.
It was almost like having Altzheimers -- or being autistic.
Stop Wall Street and War Street from destroying our world. And while you're at it, please buy my books.
It was almost like having Altzheimers -- or being autistic.