An election reminder: Bad things happen on the Republicans' watch...
Holy sheep dookie! 8000 angry Hondurans are currently marching toward
America's borders with torches and pitchforks! This is something that
could only happen on the Republicans' watch. The White House, Congress
and the Supreme Court are all currently dominated by Republicans -- and
yet DC is gonna blame these marching Hondurans on Bernie Sanders or
perhaps even the ghost of FDR? Yeah right.

No one in the Green Party is currently trying to steal our civil
rights, our MediCare, our voting rights and our Social Security. That's a Republican
The nuclear Doomsday Clock is currently getting scary-close to
Midnight. Reagan's trickle-down theory refused to trickle down -- and
his policies in Central America only created death squads and unhappy
campers who are now trying to camp out up here instead of down there.
And as for the climate catastrophe coming our way? The whole human race
may be eliminated on the Republicans' watch -- could be their biggest
triumph yet!
Plus we have had to put up with Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Mitch
McConnell, Richard "I'm not a crook" Nixon and Stormy Daniels too.
Sometimes the Democrats suck eggs as well. Remember Pearl Harbor?
Hiroshima? Libya, Syria, Korea and Vietnam? Hell, both of these
money-grubbing parties are all in bed together -- and yet we're the ones who
end up getting bedbugs. When both Republicans and Democrats turn out
their lights at night, they both seem to dream only of "war" profiteering -- and how
to get us gullible peons to pay for it.
And even worse is when we think that we are voting for Democratic
candidates who will protect and support the interests of America's
salt-of-the-earth working class -- and then Boom! We get stuck with
Repub wannabes like Johnson, Clinton and Obama. Jokers and Penguins
cleverly disguised as Batman. Humph.
For instance, right here in my own California assembly district? Buffy
Wicks is running on a platform of affordable housing and all that liberal
stuff -- but is actually funded by a Republican PAC looking for another
Brett Kavanaugh.
Stop Wall Street and War Street from destroying our world. And while you're at it, please buy my books.