"How can you keep me down on the farm" after I've seen Palestine!
After my recent extensive, exciting, educational and eye-opening visit
to historical Palestine, here I am again -- back home and bored.
In Zionist-Israel I saw all kinds of injustices forced onto
Palestinians by European and American settler-colonialists who have
spent the last one hundred years happily intent on doing to Palestinians
what Custer wanted to do to the Lakota at Little Big Horn and what the
7th Calvary actually did to the Lakota at Wounded Knee. https://substack.com/home/post/p-141895436
Here's me now, back home in Berkeley -- stone-cold broke and
falling apart both physically and mentally after witnessing all that
horror and stress. Here's me, stuck in Berkeley. Forever. Boring.
I'm bored. "Get over it, Jane," I keep telling myself. "At least I'm
not freezing and starving in Gaza while, even now, Zionist-Israelis are
breaking the ceasefire there again and again and again."
And I'm not a brave Palestinian either -- men, women and children who
have endured one hundred years of Jim Crow laws, of being forced onto
stark reservations, of suffering brutal massacres, of being victims of
organized lynchings by crazed mobs of European and American
settler-colonialists, of Zionists dropping seventy-six thousand
tons of military weaponry down on their unprotected families! And
Zionist torturers cut off the legs of their Palestinian prisoners so
that they won't be able to fight for freedom again if they ever get out
of jail. And yet Palestinians still have the audacity to fight back.
Why can't I just be eternally grateful for what I have here instead of
whining like some spoiled child, "I'm bored, Mommy, I'm bored!" And
also, since I'm clearly going to be stuck here in safe-but-boring
suburbia forever, I should also be making the best of my new Forever
"What can I possibly do here in Berkeley that could even be half as
exciting as going to a war zone," I asked a friend. She just shrugged.
Guess I'll have to make those discoveries on my own. No angel from The Price is Right is gonna fly down and whisper in my ear.
So I took stock. What can I possibly do to make life here in Berkeley
more interesting? I could do laundry. Laundry never sleeps. I could
write outrageous things on my Web Log. Nah. Free speech in Berkeley? Pretty much dead. This ain't the 1960s any more.
Hey, I could walk up to the University of California. Some of the
world's top-notch brains work there. "Be real, Jane. All those
professors are deadly afraid of losing their tenure if they dare to veer
off the party line by even one single sentence. Forget about that."
So I ended up going to the farmers market and talking to Steve Martinot who just wrote a book entitled Police Brutality. An excellent book. No one will buy it. Everyone around here is too woke.
Then I talked with Charles the Philosopher who sells veggies at the
market. "All plants and animals have one thing in common -- life. We are billions of souls alive in one body, the body of life,"
he said. "We are all alive. But kindness, love and being human are
the hardest things for we humans to learn." I believe that. Hey, I'm
feeling all pissed off and schizophrenic myself -- with half my soul
still living back in Palestine.
And Alan Hewitt, Oakland's Yodeling Cowboy, was busking at the market
too. "The five all-time top country & western singers were all
taught to sing and play by southern Black men. "Hank Williams, Bill
Monroe, Jimmy Rodgers...." I forget who else. Definitely Elvis. "But
Ray Charles had the opposite experience. He learned country and western
songs as kid, when he was living at a school for the blind. And he
also learned Mozart." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tMksrNwnM0
I bought some organic mushrooms, eggs and chard. Took the #18 bus back home. Watched a bunch of K-Drama on Netflix. Made bacon-and-eggs spaghetti for dinner. Went to sleep. I can do this. (But if anyone wants to pay me to go investigate injustices in
Libya, Yemen, Somalia, Venezuela, Ukra$ne, the Congo, Haiti and/or
wherever, then I'm all yours!)
Speaking of sleeping, maybe I can just try to experience a bunch of
exciting stuff in my dreams -- but will exciting dreams be enough to
keep me enthusiastic about dreary suburban life? Hardly. "Sleep when
you die."
Just stay awake and listen to the mainstream news. Those people obviously live in dreamland. I should take notes on all their
fondest dreams. Except that my fondest dreams don't consist of bombing
the crap out of the entire planet. That's someone else's dream.
That's my worst nightmare.
So I went back to watching TV. Watched Gladiator II. "Empires always end badly." That's some consolation.
Then another friend sent me a video about Rudolph Steiner -- who
believed that other dimensions exist. Damn, he may be on to something.
There are sooo
many different dimensions to our current American life. It's like the
Tibetan Buddhist
theory of the six Bardos. Unfortunately, however, most of us live in
the Bardo of credit card debt, nutrition-less food and false security
right now.
used to have a bumper sticker that read, "Lost in the Bardo
again". Nothing's changed. All we can do now is hold on and wait for
the next Bardo to be revealed. And if our very own
military-industrial-central-banking complex has its way, the next Bardo
to be revealed will be the Bardo of Death.
"How you gonna keep 'em down on the farm..." asks Judy Garland: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2URLyxcdpgA
And of course you can always depend on the Electronic Intifada to let us know what is really going on in Zionist-Israel: Breaking news and analysis on day 40 of the Gaza ceasefire | The Electronic Intifada Podcast
Here's a Scottish song by Runrig entitled "Going Home": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AReZEjERo_o
The latest video from Military Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ytkx2glkdOU
Markets: A Look Ahead: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OW4DXEpCPMM
In his latest book, Police Brutality, Steve Martinot points out that both America's police culture military culture tend to operate outside the boundaries of the U.S. Constitution and live in a world all their own: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/police-brutality-steve-martinot/1146515210
Military arms reduction is actually a good thing. Jeffery Sachs goes all economic on us: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dIs6kf2vmWA
Chris Hedges nails our current bizarre political situation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8PnryeLUwQ
Stop Wall Street, War Street, Big Pharma and Big Tech from destroying our world. And while you're at it, please buy my books: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Jane-Stillwater/author/B00IW6O1RM?ref=ap_rdr&store_ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true
Please support my channel and "Buy Me a Coffee". I'm currently saving up to go off to some currently-out-of-favor country in West Asia. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/janestillwater