Friday, June 26, 2020

America's horror-show foreign policy: Bomb 'em, terrorize 'em & starve 'em to death

     Exactly which part of America's weird Invasion of the Body Snatchers foreign policy don't you understand?

     Exactly which part of America's Psycho approach to world domination has you mystified?

     There are at least 13 Reasons Why so many Syrians, Yemenis, Afghans, Venezuelans, Libyans and Palestinians are dying like flies -- like in Lord of the Flies.

     Most Americans seem to think that America's foreign policy is heroic and democratic and kind -- something like Batman Returns or The Avengers or Captain Marvel or Ant-Man & the Wasp.  It is not.  Quite the opposite.  And, speaking of horrors, didn't most people in Nazi Germany used to think that Hitler's foreign policy was also heroic, democratic and kind?

     America's foreign policy, starting with Hiroshima. more closely resembles The Texas Chainsaw Massacre combined with Halloween 2 and Child's Play than it does The Sound of Music or Mary PoppinsThe Texas Chainsaw Massacre Official Trailer #1 - (2003) HD

     Take Syria for example.  Or Iraq.  Or Honduras.  Good grief, no wonder movie-goers there prefer watching From Russia With Love and Enter the Dragon rather than America's current blockbuster foreign policy designed by Chucky, Annabelle, the Joker and Carrie.  "Happy Death Day" is definitely not the best way to greet our overseas neighbors.

     Since 2001, Syria has been systematically bombed, burned, butchered, terrorized and starved by the USA and its allies.  America' latest ploy was to swoop in with incendiary bombers and set fire to Syria's grain crops, causing over 17 million Syrians to face starvation, most of them under the age of 14 -- thus giving a whole new meaning to Children of the Corn.  No wonder America's foreign policy is not a huge box office hit in the Middle East. 

     Sadly, America's current screen image around the world isn't like Seal Team or The Rookie or NCIS.  It's more like Criminal Minds

     But the part that scares me the most about America's horror-show foreign policy is that since our leaders in Washington have been visualizing it as some kind of slasher flick for decades now, what's to stop them from making this abomination their domestic policy too?  Sort of like a re-make of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit.  With us as the victims?  Using their new plan for economic ruin in the Middle East as The Shining example of how to produce terror here at home too.

     Oops.  Too late.  They've already created economic ruin in the USA as well as in Damascus and Gaza.  Their BlackRock Witch Project has already created The House on Haunted Hill millions of times over here in America -- homes that none of us can afford to live in any more.

      And Washington's next new domestic-terror films are already in the pipeline.  In production right now are Plandemic on Elm Street and The Federalreserveville Horror.  Plus I Know What You'll Do Next Summer will be coming out soon -- followed by George Floyd 2, The Sequel and Night of the Living Dead: New World Order

      After America's Flesh Eater foreign policy has played so well in Iraq, Libya, Syria, Palestine and Yemen, it will soon be playing at a theater near you as well.


Absolute must watch:  Max Blumenthal exposes so many US lies that it's painful to even think about all the ways that our government has lied to us.


Stop Wall Street and War Street (and Big Pharma) from destroying our world.   And while you're at it, please buy my books.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

George Floyd & Tupac Shakur: Tupac needs a memorial too!

     "A good Christian man."  That's the path George Floyd tried to follow in order to somehow (almost) make it through the intricate labyrinth of being Black in America -- an endless and hopeless labyrinth, brutally perfected by 400 years of slavery, Jim Crow and racial discrimination.  Always being forced to the bottom of American society no matter where or what. 

     "Thug Life".  That's the path Tupac Shakur tried to follow in order to somehow (almost) make it through the intricate labyrinth of being Black in America -- an endless and hopeless labyrinth, brutally perfected by 400 years of slavery, Jim Crow and racial discrimination.  Always being at the bottom of American society no matter what.

     Both men did what they could to survive a life where the deck was audaciously stacked against them from birth.  Survival.  A hard taskmaster, the dominant overseer threatening Black men day and night for the past 400 years.

     This constant struggle has gotta be wearing on the soul, right?  Always on the outside, never good enough, never quite fitting in.  Always in danger too, never quite safe.  In this way, George Floyd and Tupac Shakur were very much alike.

     However.  Here in Las Vegas, I accidentally stumbled over a very real difference between Tupac and George:  2Pac has no monument, no memorial, not even a mural.  Even Freddie Gray has a mural.

     On the corner of Flamingo Blvd. and Korval Street, Tupac was brutally murdered 24 years ago.  Case never solved.

     And also on the corner of Flamingo Blvd. and Korvel Street, there is a stark gray utility pole near the spot where Tupac was ruthlessly gunned down.  And on this barren utility pole, standing dismally in the hot sun on some deserted street-corner barely three blocks away from the Las Vegas Strip itself, almost a quarter of a century after Shakur's death, people are still writing touching epitaphs with black marker pens onto its stark gray paint.  "We love you 2Pac" and "Welcome to the Thug Mansion in the sky".

     People all over America still remember 2Pac Shakur.

     And yet every couple of months, Bally's Hotel, presumptive owner of the property where this gray utility pole is located, sends out a maintenance crew to sweep away all the cards, tokens and flowers -- and to re-paint the pole.

     That's just not right.

     Bally's (and the City of Las Vegas as well) needs to make a better choice here.  Even our Tupac needs a memorial.  Why?  Because he too did what he could to (almost) survive being Black in America today.  And he did a memorable job of it too!


Stop Wall Street and War Street (and Big Pharma) from destroying our world.   And while you're at it, please buy my books.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

My naive "Second Wave" question: How come no one gets the measles virus twice?

     I totally hate it that 0.2% of us are dying of COVID -- but frankly I'm kind of enjoying our current lock-down situation.  Fewer cars on the streets.  Amazingly blue skies.  Getting lots of reading done while standing in grocery lines.  Having TSA airport checkpoints all to myself. 

     Sure, there are some annoyances to being locked down.  Who in their right mind wants to breathe in carbon monoxide and re-cycled snot all day from a face mask?  Who in their right mind wants to see America's small businesses go under by the thousands and our school children get strapped to computer monitors like cyborgs?  But on the whole, this lock-down hasn't bothered me all that much.  Guilty secret?  I even kind of like it.

     But while I'm just luke-warm about liking this lock-down, the Federal Reserve is really really loving it.  And why not?  Back in the pre-COVID days, if we can even remember that far back, our economy was silently tanking and the stock market was about to crash.  Then along came the lock-down -- and Boom!  Suddenly the stock market started avoiding its immanent doom.


     Because the Fed has just saved its arse by printing up more imaginary funny-money than we can even imagine in order to buy up an incredible amount of falling stocks, even sleazy junk bonds that no one in their right mind would touch with a ten-foot pole (even while wearing a face mask).

     Now the Fed owns almost everything in America that isn't nailed down. 

     But there are two other things about this lock-down that really do bother me a lot -- aside from us now being owned lock, stock and barrel by the Federal Reserve of course.  First, people are dying left and right from other lock-down-related stuff besides COVID.  What kind of stuff?  Suicide.  Poverty.  Scarcity.  Violence.  Debt like you wouldn't believe.  Despair.  Serious non-viral medical needs.  Homelessness. 

     COVID is just the tip of this lock-down iceberg disaster.  And the many other dangers lurking below the water line of this iceberg are titanic.

     Second, I hate it that so much effort has been put into making us afraid, very afraid -- even terrified.  Get a grip, folks!  If we get COVID, we either die or we don't.  Wash your freaking hands and avoid people who cough.  Are you yourself coughing?  Then freaking stay home.

     And now all this constant fear-mongering about a "Second Wave"?  COVID is not a giant tsunami.  COVID is a freaking virus.  Like the measles virus.  People can only get measles once.  Am I being naive here?  Or is this just common sense?,fl_progressive,g_center,h_900,q_80,w_1600/tl0ifkb82u2dxb1eaktf.jpg

PS:  Two years from now, will Americans finally become really pissed off when they finally discover that COVID wasn't all that dangerous?  And then become even more pissed off that, dangerous virus or not, our economy has sunk like the Titanic and the Fed now owns our house, our car and our dog?  That COVID was just another version of the Gulf of Tonkin con game, just one more version of Bush's WMDs, just another "Make America Great Again" scam.  What a con artist looks for in a scam victim

      But why are we just sitting here right now like some gullible suckers and marks at a carnival sideshow, patiently waiting two whole freaking years before finally getting pissed off after the Fed has already robbed us blind -- and we're already in the doghouse?

PPS:  Perhaps I'm gonna be adversely affected by this lock-down after all.  In a bizarre turn of fate totally in keeping with Catch-22, it turns out that all that scuzzy industrial pollution that we hate so much is actually saving the human race from short-term extinction!  Who knew. 

     Was the shading/dimming effect caused by all those scuzzy clouds of pollution actually keeping the sun from burning us humans up like cockroaches on a hot grill?  According to Prof. Guy McPherson, pretty much yes. 

     "May 2020 was the hottest May on record...[and] loss of the aerosol masking effect due to COVID-19 lockdowns, could trigger a huge temperature rise....  The year 2020 looks set or close to become the hottest on record [which] points at a continuing rise reaching 3°C by 2026, i.e. likely driving humans into extinction."

     Holy sheep dookie!  When you're hot, you're hot!  And my refrigerator just broke down too.  No ice cubes for me.  And no ice cubes for any of us after 2026 either -- unless we can figure out how to escape this new Catch-22 catastrophe ASAP.  Perhaps the Fed should be spending its funny-money on figuring out that?


       Stop Wall Street and War Street (and Big Pharma) from destroying our world.

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Sunday, June 14, 2020

Seattle's CHAZ cooperative: The new People's Park?

     Boy did I have a wonderful time planting flowers in Berkeley's miraculous People's Park back in 1969 -- until the National Guard arrived and stomped all over my geraniums.

     And yet 50 years later there is still a People's Park left in Berkeley today -- even though we have to wear face masks and stand six feet apart if we want to go there and just hug a tree.  Yes, something of the old People's Park ideal still lives on even now and even I, the most terrible gardener in the world these days, can still manage to get a few geraniums to bloom in my garden.

     And now the Spirit of '69 still lives on in Seattle as well -- right down the street from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

     In the exciting new Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ), people there are also trying out a better way of life as well -- not one involving under-the-skin microchips, 1984-style surveillance ops, weird untested vaccines, tear gas, tanks and eugenics.

     CHAZ is all about local community-building, freedom, workers' co-ops and Art for Art's Sake.  No guns, authoritarian diktats, stock market manipulations, phony "second wave" fear tactics or racism is involved.

     Let's see how long CHAZ will last -- and let us hope that it, like Berkeley's amazing People's Park, will still be around in another 50 years too.

     Idealism is a good thing these days.  Hope and kindness and cooperation and joy are good things too.  Pleeze try to remember that, America.  Law and order?  Be careful what you wish for.


       Stop Wall Street and War Street (and Big Pharma) from destroying our world.

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