Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Fathers Day: America's grim tradition of stealing children from their parents continues...

     America's current moral decline and decay can easily be traced back through its barbaric treatment of children. 

     First there were those nasty "boarding schools" for the thousands of terrified Native American children who were dragged screaming away from their helpless parents.

     Then there were those ghastly slave markets that ruthlessly dragged young children away from their mothers and heartlessly sold them into wretched lives of hard labor and chains.

     And now Americans are at it again -- dragging young children away from their undocumented Latino parents and shoving these human babies into cages as if they were animals in a zoo.

     Not exactly a good way to celebrate Fathers Day, America.  What's with that? 

PS:  America's foreign policy, however, appears to more closely resemble King Herod rather than Oliver Twist.  With the possible exception of paying for those infamous Israeli neo-colonialists' prison camps for Palestinian children, America's foreign policy tends more toward Herod's "slaughter of the innocents" in places like Syria, Central Africa, Libya, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Yemen, Vietnam, etc.

     Am I being too hard on America here -- or not hard enough.  Either we are decent and moral people  -- or we are not.


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