My trip to Dallas: Lee Harvey Oswald's big mistake was crying "Patsy" in a crowded theater!
Dallas TX is actually a far more complex, diverse, interesting and
rewarding city than just merely the location where President Kennedy got
shot. But. Here in Dallas I seem to be constantly running into
reminders of that tragic and fateful day back in November of 1963. Even
my first introduction to Dallas involved driving past Parkland Hospital
while taking public transit in from the airport.

"Did you go see the Old Red Museum?" It was nice. But right next to it was the Kennedy Memorial. I stood inside it and cried while a group of millennials next to me happily snapped photos for their Instagram pages, never really understanding the dark truth of the place -- that Camelot had been stolen from them as well as from me. Never realizing that since that time, our White House, the very symbol of America itself, has been mostly occupied by a sorry bunch of bottom-feeders such as a depressed egomaniac, a lying crook, a B-list actor with Alzheimers, two war-mongering Bush-league types, a couple of hypocrites and a reality-show host.
I cried for the millennials. I cried for America. I cried for my grandchildren. I cried for me.
"Have you been to the Bishop Arts District?" It turns out to be within
walking distance of Oswald's former rooming house, now a museum. But
the owner wanted $40 a pop for a tour so I only took photos from outside. And last night a Dallas TV channel showed "Jackie". Who
wouldn't cry after watching Natalie Portman desperately trying to push
JFK's brains back into his head.
"Have you visited the Bush Presidential Library?" Don't even remind me
of how far we have fallen since Jack and Jackie made the White House
stand for America's best self. America has never been that great again
since -- and it's certainly far from great now.
At the wonderful BoucherCon book conference I'm attending here in
Dallas, I also met author Christopher Brown and he supplied me with the
perfect Orwellian word for what is happening in America both at this
time and in the near future. "Dystopia". To quote the Lone Star Literary's review of his latest book, Rule of Capture, "Brown
has taken all the dissonant noise [that is America today] and distilled
it, then extrapolated to a possible logical [but horrifying] endpoint.”
And the roots of America's dystopian tree started to grow even more
robustly on the day that Kennedy was murdered. And these roots have
been growing stronger and stronger ever since as more and more oligarchs
in Washington clearly realize that they can do almost anything and get
away with it -- as long has they can generate "plausible deniability"
like they did in Dallas.
Isn't it time that we Americans cut that dystopian tree off at its roots?
Stop Wall Street and War Street from destroying our world. And while you're at it, please buy my books.