Homelessness in Dallas: Dangerous symptom of a deadly national epidemic
I arrived in downtown Dallas on a furiously cold windy wet rain-soaked
night, so cold that teardrops almost froze to my face as I desperately
searched for the bus stop that would take me to my friend's warm cozy
nest in Oak Cliff. I asked everyone that I met on the street, "Where
can I catch the #21 bus?"
And every single person I met that night was homeless. Soon the #21
bus arrived and I gratefully climbed aboard, into the light and the
warmth. But for the homeless people I left behind me? They were faced
with the sole option of spending an entire night in this frozen gunk.
I had just flown in from Berkeley, CA, where homelessness is a real
problem. We have numerous tent cities, homeless encampments and
homeless shelters there. But now I'm here in Dallas and things here are
even worse.
It then became instantly clear to me that homelessness isn't just some low-level outbreak in just a few cities.
It's a freaking national epidemic. It's everywhere in America. And
it's highly contagious. Far worse than the so-called measles epidemic,
where perhaps four (4) people died last year. Even worse than the
horrific AIDS epidemic, where 15,807 people died. 1,047 homeless people died last year -- in Los Angeles County alone. Even despite all that California sunshine. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/oct/30/homeless-deaths-los-angeles-county
We could catch it from our bosses, from our government, from the
billionaires who exploit us, from banksters, from student-loan sharks,
from our children's lack of education and even from our freaking
healthcare medical plans.
In America, no place is safe from the homelessness germ.
Victims of this deadly plague in Berkeley, Dallas and even Atlanta are
not just lone samples in a petri dish somewhere in a medical lab. They
are the canaries in the coal mine. You and me could easily be next.
C'mon, CDC, show us some grit. Build houses. Provide shelters. Give
out weighted blankets and front door keys and central heating and
bathtubs. Bring all those trillions of American dollars back from
Israel and Iraq. Let Afghanistan and Syria sort out their own
problems. Give that money to Berkeley and Dallas.
Have you ever heard of Dallas's Silicon Prairie? It's a totally weird
place. I was taking public transit in from the airport and suddenly
right out in the middle of nowhere there were about 10,000 new high-end
townhouses and condos, sprung up like mushrooms. Get my point? Housing
can be easily provided. In a hurry. Even for the homeless. In a
prefect world. "I want a Perfect World so bad!" cried Jesus.
Let's get our priorities straight.
How can Americans keep swallowing that bare-faced lie that President
Assad of Syria is an evil dictator? At least in Syria, people aren't
systematically made homeless like they are here in the U.S.A. under our
current government-by-oligarchs as our jobs melt away to Haiti and
Bangladesh. In fact, the only way that a person in Syria can end up
homeless is after we Americans and our partners in crime ISIS, the
Zionists and the Saudis have bombed the shite out of his or her home. https://www.globalresearch.ca/america-created-al-qaeda-and-the-isis-terror-group/5402881
Stop Wall Street and War Street from destroying our world. And while you're at it, please buy my books: https://www.amazon.com/Jane-Stillwater/e/B00IW6O1RM