Home truths: Why it's lucky to be a Palestinian these days
Of course its lucky to be a Palestinian right now because they've been
on lock-down for seventy-four years. They already know how to stay in
their homes.
It's also lucky to be a Palestinian right now because their healthcare
system has been falling apart for such a long time that they are totally
used to doctors and nurses dying around them, to having no available cures, to
making do without medicine, to watching people they love die
unnecessarily and to feeling so helpless and frustrated that so many of
their elders are dying before their time. They are used to this empty
hopeless feeling. Lucky for them. We're just starting to feel empty
and hopeless. They've been feeling this way for decades.
It's lucky to be a Palestinian right now because they have been
knowing since 1948 that "We're all in this together," that their small
businesses are failing and there's nothing they can do about it, that every detail of their lives is being
supervised and spied on, that they have no constitutional rights any
more and that their schools have been closed down.
Palestinians are also lucky right now because they already know how to survive
under a totalitarian regime, to have tanks in their streets and exist in
an atmosphere of fear and rebellion every single day of their lives, to
get shot at and brutalized if they march in protest even a little bit.
Even non-violently. Americans are just learning that today.
Palestinians are lucky right now because many of them only survive
because they are forced to accept "charity" and petty handouts meant to
either bribe or intimidate them into keeping their mouths shut and
staying at home while a self-appointed elite 1% control their lives, write their laws and steal their
It's lucky to be a
Palestinian because their cruel Zionist occupiers have invented the
choke-with-the-knee technique and have used it a lot on Palestinians
already -- so Palestinians at least know what to expect. And Zionists
have been training a lot of American police forces on how to perform the
knee-to-the-throat technique too -- so, sadly, George Floyd was also
ahead of the curve as well. https://ourneighborsinpalestine.org/files/PalestinianLivesMatterToo.mp4
It's lucky to be a Palestinian right now because their money, their land and
their future has already been stolen by Zionists so they're already
ahead of the curve on that one too. So when the COVID $camdemic leaves
us Americans poorer than dirt, Palestinians can easily feel our pain --
having been gone through this grim process already. https://unherd.com/2020/06/karl-friston-up-to-80-not-even-susceptible-to-covid-19/
It's lucky to be a Palestinian right now because they are so used to being lied
to that they can quickly recognize propaganda when they see it.
Palestinians are called "terrorists" when they try to defend
their families and lands. Palestinians know that they aren't
terrorists. So it doesn't come as any surprise to them that we
Americans are being constantly lied to as well. What does come as a surprise to them is how we Americans so willingly believe all this crap. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMT3OgcghYg
Palestinians are not happy about it but they can make to. They've got
olive trees and back gardens and help from their neighbors. They've got
a real sense of local community. They've had three-fourths of a
century to get ready for lock-down.
Americans have had only a few months.
If their internet connections go down, Palestinians just shrug and
carry on. But if Americans' internet connections go down, we are lost!
We should be grateful to Palestinians for showing us the way to protect
our own loved ones and communities from being sucked dry by the pirates
who claim to legitimately run our country. And even more, we should be grateful to
America's brave Black communities right here at home for leading the way and reminding us that
we don't have to passively live with knees on our throats either.
Stop Wall Street and War Street (and Big Pharma) from destroying our world. And while you're at it, please buy my books. https://www.amazon.com/Jane-Stillwater/e/B00IW6O1RM