Ecuador's revolting situation: Why that can't happen here
Thank goodness for FaceTime. Thank goodness for Skype. And even
Twitter, YouTube and Instagram aren't really all that bad if you want to
get the real news about what is really going on in this world.
My friend Gabriella just Skyped me from Quito, Ecuador. "What the
freak is going on down there," I asked her. Ecuadorians have staged
massive protests there for the last 14 days.
"People here in my country are just sick and tired of being ripped off
by international bankers, corrupt presidents and global corporations out
to make a huge profit at our expense." Hmmm. Sounds like what is
happening here in the USA too -- only with one big exception.
Salt-of-the-earth Americans never seem to mind getting ripped off.
All you gotta do here in my country is tell the American "common man"
that he's just a victimized down-trodden victim of "latte-drinking
liberals" and they will instantly allow you to commit any economic
horror on them that you can think of -- fleece their paychecks, rob them
blind, steal their homes and even turn their children into mindless
numb robots and set their grandmothers afloat on icebergs.
Yet nobody here in America even seems to notice that they are being
screwed royally by the neo-con country-club set -- let alone actually
protest. Not only that but America spends billions, trillions of dollars trying
to defeat countries that oppose its shoddy American empire -- yet won't
spend hardly a penny to help those truly in need such as women without
access to healthcare in Alabama or victims of home repossession in Ohio
or hurricane victims in Florida and Puerto Rico.
"No one in Ecuador," said my friend, "ever trusts the local news --
which lies through its teeth, falsely reporting that all us thousands of
protestors are taking to the streets in support of the corrupt president, the bankers and the IMF, not against them."
But, trust me, something like the current Ecuadorian protest won't ever
happen here. There will never be any mass protests by working-class
heroes against corrupt banksters here. Sometimes I think that America's
working class is totally composed of masochists.
"They are shooting rubber bullets at protestors," continued my friend,
"aiming straight for their eyes. The indigenous people are suffering
the brunt of these attacks. But still we keep protesting despite the
danger because all of the people down here are really pissed off.
Correa was an exception, but now Moreno is trying to side with the IMF,
choosing money over country. We've seen far too many of our presidents
just take the money and run."
"We are stockpiling food here," said my new on-the-ground
citizen-reporter in Quito. "I have enough food for three days." That
sounds just like what recently happened in northern California when
PG&E cut off electricity to 3,000,000 people -- and once again, even
in NorCal, nobody seemed to object or to even mind.
"What do you expect the results of all this will be?" I asked my friend.
"There are negotiations going on now. We're getting the 'austerity
measures' ended. All these protests are actually working!" Good.
People power saves the day! Banksters, carpetbaggers and grifters of
Equator, be gone before someone drops a casa on you as well!
Stop Wall Street and War Street from destroying our world. And while you're at it, please buy my books.