Donald Trump, America's laxative
Did you know that the Pentagon (aka "Murder Incorporated") has never been audited? And that over ten trillion dollars are missing from its budget? We would never let the Mafia get away with that.
Did you know that Russia has just invented a new super-missile that can
do almost everything but sing the blues? How could Russia do
that? Because Putin is investing Russia's money in education so it
will have scientists who can work smarter not harder. America, on the
other hand, is investing its money on murdering babies in the Middle
East -- while our education system here at home only produces more and more
dumb Americans. Shades of Sputnik and 1954.
And then these very same Americans turned around and elected people who
would only make their miserable lives even more miserable. People like
Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell -- and Donald Trump.
At first I too was actually dumb enough to think that Trump
actually would "drain the swamp". But then I realized that yours-truly
had just been naive and that Trump was draining the American swamp in
the same way that Hurricane Katrina drained New Orleans.
Now, however, I actually think that electing President Trump might
actually be a good thing after all. Why? Because, for far too long,
America's guts have been tied up in knots by a blockage caused by mass
murder world-wide and massive economic disaster and moral denial here at
home. For the past 60-plus years, America has been economically,
politically and morally constipated.
And now President Trump has come along and given us all that drastic
enema we so badly need. And now Americans are finally starting to wake
up -- and actually starting to feel some actual movement in their
intestinal fortitude. At last!
Suddenly Americans are starting to realize that their education system
sucks eggs, their infrastructure is wobbly at best, their jobs
have fled overseas, their democracy is gone, their treasures have all been squandered in
order to murder huge numbers of babies in the Middle East -- and that
they have been constantly lied to since Franklin Roosevelt died.
Finally Americans are starting to do something more than just pass gas.
PS: Lots of people tell me that Clinton would have been a much better president than Trump. I beg to disagree. While Trump has shamelessly thrown us Americans into the deep end of a caustic and toxic swamp where we at least have a chance to swim for our lives before it's too late, Clinton would have let us happily die of a thousand cuts like the proverbial frog who got boiled to death by having its temperature raised degree by degree -- and too late we would have screamed "Ouch!"
You don't believe me? Just go down to Haiti and ask almost anyone what they think of the Clinton Foundation.
Stop Wall Street and War Street from destroying our world. And while you're at it, please buy my books!
Stop Wall Street and War Street from destroying our world. And while you're at it, please buy my books!