What would Jesus do: Sending missionaries to the red state heathens!
"Praise the Lord and pass the information!" Did you know that in the undecided states, only 26 electoral votes are up for grabs -- while the red states supposedly have a lock on 228 votes.
Are we going to let George Bush get away with that? Having almost half of our nation living in heathen darkness, believing un-holy lies and practicing baby-killing? That's just plain un-Christian!
Don't send me to some swing state to persuade undecided voters. Send me to Alabama! Send me to Texas! They need me more. Their eternal souls are in danger. Being a God-fearing Christian, it's the least that I can do.
Undecided voters aren't causing our economy to crash, aren't putting us in mortal danger from terrorists, aren't responsible for the deadly typhoid plague in Iraq, aren't sponsoring genocide in Darfur, aren't threatening our children's future, aren't trampling on our flag and Constitution and aren't spitting on the teachings of our Lord Jesus. The red state voters are.
Send me to Georgia! Send me to Idaho, Wyoming, the Dakotas and Utah! I'll preach fire and brimstone to those heathens. "In the future, if you want to become patriotic Christians, you gotta start honoring Jesus, stop voting for those White House pagans and their drive-by-shooting foreign policies that are endangering our safety -- and jail George Bush for his attacks on our freedom, our liberty, our safety and our Constitution!"
Red state heathens, it's time to step up to the rail and come to Jesus!
What would Jesus do? Does "Thou shalt not kill" sound familiar? And how about "Love thy neighbor" too.
Jesus was the ultimate Brave Man. Definitely braver than you and me. Always remember that Our Lord was brave enough to face down a terrible, painful and lonely death rather than deny his principles and resort to violence and/or dirty tricks. Did you see Jesus in the court of Pilate begging for his life? Did you hear Him wetting His pants and crying, "Oh spare me! Spare me! Kill somebody else!" Or did you see Special Forces op Jesus in his camo toga out murdering civilians in the Roman Green Zone? If He had done that, He would not have been the Son of God. He would have been just one more faceless "Bring it on!" demagogue in an endless historical parade of bullies, pimps and thugs. And we today would be worshiping some panthon of gangster punks instead of Him.
If the red states elect George Bush this year, they also need to think about this: Who will they elect in 2008? Another demagogue just like him? And then another and another -- until finally one of them just calls an end to the election charade altogether. That's just plain SINFUL.
And if Americans are clambering for demagogues NOW, how will they act when there is no more oil? Will we then just descend into barbariosity altogether? Our great-grandparents managed to live good Christian lives without oil -- and without killing babies for it either! America, we need to make some serious choices here. What would Jesus do?
Need more fire and brimstone to persuade you? Here it is! "Vote for that lying baby-killer George Bush again, red state guys, and you will surely go to Hell!" Vote for Kerry-Edwards and you may POSSIBLY stand a chance of redemption.
Baby killers? Really? Unfortunately, yes: Knight-Ridder states that between April 5 and September 19, 2004, "According to the statistics, 59 children were killed in Anbar province (which includes the cities of Ramadi and Fallujah) compared with 56 children in Baghdad. The ministry defines children as anyone younger than 12." http://www.editorandpublisher.com/eandp/news/article_display.jsp?vnu_content_id=1000642386
From Tom: "It's like we have Sonny Corleone running the country. If it was Michael Corleone, it wouldn't be so bad. But Sonny?"
From The Bible: You see that a person is justified by what he does and not by faith alone... Faith without deeds is dead -- James 2:14-26
From Patriot: Why Jesus would vote Democratic! http://www.liberalslikechrist.org/religiousmenu.htm
From Ron: Oprah is hopping mad at Bush too! http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/gate/archive/2004/10/13/notes101304.DTL
A conservative Christian speaks out against Bush: http://www.rense.com/general58/demand.htm
From Myron: In 30 days, there have been 2,368 attacks on our troops [That's 78.9 a day -- not to mention shoddy equipment and no vehicle protection either]. http://www.nytimes.com/imagepages/2004/09/28/international/29ATTACK-GRAPH.html
From Nuc News: Are we really ready to have the solar system just disappear in a gamma-ray flash just yet folks??Air Force pursuing antimatter weaponsProgram was touted publicly, then came official gag orderhttp://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2004/10/04/MNGM393GPK1.DTLThe U.S. Air Force is quietly spending millions of dollars investigating ways to use a radical power source -- antimatter, the eerie "mirror" of ordinary matter -- in future weapons.