Tuesday, September 26, 2023

The Federal Re$erve: More dangerous than Russia & China combined


The Federal Re$erve:  More dangerous than Russia & China combined

     The American presidential election cycle has started even earlier than usual this time.  Biden is running on his usual campaign slogan of "Big Pharma and War".  The Donald is still mired down by America's "Trump Derangement Syndrome" and still fruitlessly yelling "You're fired!"  DeSantis and Williamson have been marginalized already.  Bobby Junior has the DNC's knickers in a twist. 
Dr. Shiva has used the F-word a lot, Michelle Obama has been vilified and Cornel West has turned Green.

     All this media circus is happening right now -- over a year away from the actual election date.  Campaign rhetoric has already been ramped up full volume.  Already the gloves have come off.  Accusations have been made.  Fingers have been pointed.  Promises have been promised.  Even babies have been kissed. 

     None the less...

     Not even one of these presidential wannabees have even mentioned the Federal Re$erve.  Ever.  Even God Himself wouldn't consider running on a platform that dared to disrespect the Federal Re$erve.

     Why is that?  Let's ask President Garfield.  
     Back in 1881, this famous American president invented lasagna.  Oops, no, that was Garfield the Cat.  Garfield the President made a big flowery speech regarding the extreme dangers of creating an American central bank such as the Federal Re$erve.  Shortly thereafter, he was assassinated.  No coincidence.  Clearly, none of today's presidential candidates want to also end up in a pine box.

     "But why," you might ask, "has the Federal Re$erve become America's political third rail?"  Easy answer.  Because the Federal Re$erve now has the awesome power to print Monopoly money.  And Monopoly money is not real.  And fake money is not good for the economy because it causes hyper-inflation and massive debt.  But it also makes the Federal Re$erve America's top dog and nobody in Washington wants to mess with the Big Dog.

     And no one in Washington even dares to mention that the Federal Re$erve is all-powerful because it can print Monopoly money.  Presidential candidates may happily view Russia and China with solemn alarm these days or even promise us a nuclear war -- and yet none of them even dare to mention the Federal Re$erve.

     We've been told time and again that Russia and China are our worst enemies -- and yet we don't see Russia and China out there printing fake dollar bills in their basements at night and then flooding the world with funny-money that will take down the US economy.  But our so-called friends at the Federal Re$erve are doing just that.

PS:  Does this mean that McKinley, Reagan, JFK and John Lennon got assassinated because they spoke out against the Federal Re$erve too?  And should I too start wearing my Kevlar vest once again?   

PPS:  Aside from the Federal Re$erve, another totally stupid thing that Americans put up with are sanctions.  The United States has sanctioned so many countries across the world that there aren't hardly any countries left to sanction any more.  It's sort of like Garfield stealing all the lasagna.  At some point, sanctioned countries will start making their own freaking lasagna and Garfield, er, America will be out of the loop.  Now Odie relies on BRICS for his lasagna.

     Too many countries, as a result of American sanctions, are now searching for alternatives to the US dollar.  Bad news for you and me, guys.  Now the Federal Re$serve can print up all the Monopoly money it wants to but, sadly, the rest of the world ain't gonna land on Boardwalk any more -- so it no longer matters who the Federal Re$erve picks to place behind the Resolute Desk in DC in 2024.  Sigh.


Garfield discovers lasagna!  Garfield | Eating Lasagna Compilation

Whether we like what he says or not, Edward Norton talks about how the rest of the world sees the US:  Kim Meets Putin, Maduro Meets Xi: A New Era of Global Politics

How come the Left goes along with all this crap?  "Trump Derangement Syndrome" suggests Christian Parenti:  Christian Parenti "Will The LEFT Stand Up" (Interview Clip)

What really happened to the head of Wagner?  Scott Ritter has some ideas:  ⚡️Scott Ritter: Talks Ukraine & Its Counteroffensive Is Done Fail!*

The Grayzone tackles the subject of heavy-handed censorship.  Hey, Google is now trying to de-monitize me too -- just because I mention Ukra$ne.  Damn.  There goes my $10 a year!  Dressing down - The Grayzone live

According to Greg Mannarino, central bank digital currency is heading our way "and there's no way to stop it".  We're screwed.  https://gregorymannarino.substack.com/p/prepare-for-the-new-digital-currency

"These past two days we have advanced considerably to a full-blown Russia-NATO war."  Biden had better be careful what he wishes for:  https://gilbertdoctorow.com/2023/09/23/latest-news-on-the-war-these-past-two-days-we-have-advanced-considerably-to-a-full-blown-russia-nato-war/


Stop Wall Street, War Street, Big Pharma and Big Tech from destroying our world.  And while you're at it, please buy my books https://www.amazon.com/stores/Jane-Stillwater/author/B00IW6O1RM?ref=ap_rdr&store_ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true

And here's my latest book too -- A Tale of 22 Cities:  Traveling Across America During the Great Lock-Downhttps://www.amazon.com/Tale-22-Cities-Traveling-Lock-Down/dp/B0C1J1MV8K/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=

I'm also trying to raise funds for my next research project -- in Bolivia!  Here's a link to my GiveSendGo account.  Please donate even just five dollars?  This is important.  Don't make me beg!  https://givesendgo.com/Bolivianeedsme